Hi all,
I am Wildsky, a Computer Science and Information Engineering undergraduate currently in thet third year at National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. I am here because I want to contribute to fedora this summer. I think the idea of Hubs from GSoC idea list is great, it might help me or someone who is not familiar with fedora a lot. I use fedora in my daily life. I got a lot from fedora, so I want to give back. So I want to participate in Hubs project to start to contribute to fedora!

I usually contribute to open source community in Taiwan through building websites, such as http://moztw.org http://fedora.linux.org.tw http://www.vim.tw ... I am familiar with HTML, CSS (SASS, Scss), JavaScript (JQuery, React.js, D3.js, ...), Node.js, Responsive Website Design ...

Here is my blog, GitHub, fedora user page, and fedora application page:
- http://blog.wildsky.cc
- http://github.com/wi1d5ky
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Wi1d5ky
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GSOC_2016/Student_Application_wi1d5ky