Hello everyone,
I just thought I'd introduce myself first. I'm Sarup, an undergrad currently spending the summer in Kolkata, India. I'm working on GlitterGallery, a web based tool to help Open Source designers collaborate better.
In sequence, here's what I wrote on selection day - http://thirstyforcola.wordpress.com/2013/05/27/hurray/
Last week's summary, and lessons I learned are covered here - http://thirstyforcola.wordpress.com/2013/06/08/rails-adventure-and-the-last-...
I've done quite a few posts about my project so far, they're all here - http://thirstyforcola.wordpress.com/category/technology/glitter-gallery/
I'm looking forward to getting to know the rest of my friends who're contributing to the Fedora project this summer! :) I would appreciate any feedback, suggestions or recommendations regarding anything concerning my project.
Thanks and happy coding, Sarup Banskota