Hi all,
I'm Anuradha Welivita from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I am very much into UX/UI related stuff and hence really look forward in contributing towards this project.
I'm planning to apply for this project because I'm really into UX/UI related stuff as they are my major interests. I am quite new to FOSS development and Fedora and I am interested in joining the Design Team as a long term contributor of Fedora as well.
I did the following work regarding this project.
As a 1st step I cloned the source for testing from ( *github.com/fedoradesign/askbot-test* https://github.com/fedoradesign/askbot-test). I also installed the OpenShift rhc Client Tools and learned to create a new Python web project using that.
And I have created a web interface by looking at the mock ups provided and you can see what I created by going to this link (*askbot-anuradhaw.rhcloud.com http://askbot-anuradhaw.rhcloud.com/*)
Still I'm half way through developing the web interface and still it is created to view under a fully maximized web browser only. And I'm going to make it responsive soon.
Furthermore to get familiarized with the code of askbot I have also cloned the source code from the github repo and I'm in the process of getting it installed on my machine.
Thank you. Anuradha Welivita