I was attempting to explain an idea on channels for the program and was hoping to see if there is even interest (or enough to warrant the effort).
There is currently #fedora-apps, #fedora-hubs, #fedora-commops, #fedora-atomic, #fedora-summer-coding and #fedora-gsocmentors,
However, I know some coders prefer to have a semi private cross collaboration means with fellow participants ( away from the public eye (those not in the summer coding program, and / or mentors). I was thinking there could be a #fedora-gsocstudents or similar where only those with proposals (later only those accepted) are able to use as a talk-around with only other students.
And sadly it looks like interest in the respective projects will be over what we are awarded for slots :(, and I remember several students indicating desire to work (or at least apply for several and take which ever one they are deemed best for) the above proposal would leave a space for those folks to still brainstorm but not necessarily be in a active role OR talk with fellow mentees in their accepted project but also have a 'break-out' channel where only those involved are allowed to be. Leaving -summer-coding as a community channel for those looking to see what things are like / about or wishing to brainstorm or ask about pull requests form a purely community sense. We possibly could even use -summer-coding post acceptance period as a #fedora-fedmsg style channel for near real-time updates for the community or those looking to just take a 'glimpse' or catch up on what is planned / did happen at a meeting they may have missed or may miss.
Open to ideas, comments, adjustments and /or flat out denials.