
Am Mi., 20. Sept. 2023 um 01:12 Uhr schrieb Richard Megginson <rmeggins@redhat.com>:
On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 2:19 PM Cesar Delgado <cesar.electronic.engineer@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you for the quick and kind answer.

Currently there is no way to use Ansible in CoreOs… network setup (nmstate API), or simply uploading a file (ipxe.iso for rebooting the system from PXE).

Let me see if I understand you correctly.
You want to manage a CoreOS (VM? container?) system using Ansible?
What version of Ansible are you using?  What is your control node platform?

It fails due to some python SELinux libraries missing, only shell/cmd modules work for doing simple tasks.

 Then it sounds like this isn't just a system roles issue, but an Ansible issue, if you can't even use builtin modules.  We can try to help you, but you might get more help on a general Ansible list/forum.

From what I understand, CoreOS does not include Python at all. This is why we rewrote Nmstate in Rust - correct @Gris Ge?

For the network role, I guess there could be a fallback to apply a network state using nmstatectl when CoreOS is detected. @Wen Liang what do you think?


Very gratefully, Cesar

Enviado desde mi iPhone

El 19 sept 2023, a las 15:52, Richard Megginson <rmeggins@redhat.com> escribió:

On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 7:50 AM Cesar Delgado <cesar.electronic.engineer@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear all:
     Thank you for this great effort.
Is RedHat CoreOS support in the roadmap?

Can you be more specific?  Can you give us some examples of what sort of CoreOS support you require?
Thank you, Cesar

Enviado desde mi iPhone
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Till Maas
Manager, Software Engineering
Network Management Team - NetworkManager, Nmstate, Ansible RHEL Networking System Role

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