F-15-Alpha-RC2 was recently online and tested. As expected, the keyboard
layout issue, firstboot crash and mesa 32-bit were confirmed fixed in
this build. Later Go/No-Go meeting will be held to determine if it meets
Alpha release criteria[1]. Here installation and desktop bugs are listed
************************ Installation *****************************
* F15Alpha-Proposed(bug#657616):
681167 NEW - Can't log in over serial console
681290 NEW - Can't decrypt filesystem using non-ascii letters
* F15Alpha-NTH(bug#657617):
677131 MODIFIED - How to skip update disk prompt
* F15Beta(bug#657618):
677953 NEW - Unable to kickstart with ks.cfg file stored on hard drive
646843 NEW - images/install.img will no longer exist in F-15 and newer
678081 ASSIGNED - Updates.img delivery via installation source not
676968 MODIFIED - system halts after first reboot during kickstart
676821 MODIFIED - Couldn't resolve host name when installing packages
over NFS
678150 MODIFIED - VNC install w/ password, fails to establish password
for VNC session
676815 ON_QA - Upgrade from F14 to F15 Alpha TC1 failed due to package
678877 ASSIGNED - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute
* F15Blocker(bug#617261):
680876 NEW - Show Fedora installer somewhere
677080 NEW - 'F14' artwork is shown during F-15 installation
676551 MODIFIED - no prompt for mediacheck
678675 MODIFIED - RuntimeError: Unable to locate a needed executable:
678413 MODIFIED - NFS ISO installs require the presence of .treeinfo
* Warnings:
680016 NEW - failed to install from hard drive since package rpm cannot
be opened
679466 NEW - KeyError: <pyanaconda.yuminstall.AnacondaYumRepo object at
679709 NEW - Unable to retrieve ftp repository unless adding a http
repo first
585006 NEW - anaconda and livecd-creator are creating i386 and x86_64
ISOs which are larger than indicated by the ISO header
677773 MODIFIED - F-15-Alpha DVD install (TC2) prompts for networking
at repo step
************************* Desktop *********************************
* F15Beta(bug#657618):
681062 NEW - F15 Alpha RC2: broken quicklauncher present in default
panel configuration
678402 NEW - F15 livemedia are checking for updates
* Warnings:
679452 ASSIGNED - WARNING: at fs/proc/generic.c:586 proc_register
Detailed results can be found here[2]. Special thanks for the result
contributions by robatino, redwolfe, oldfart, biertie, red, and
FAS Name: Rhe
Timezone: UTC+8
TEL: 86-010-62608141
IRC nick: rhe #fedora-qa #fedora-zh
Greetings everyone!
Tomorrow we will continue the localization and internationalization test
day focusing on: I18n Desktop[1]. Tests on this day will mainly cover
the yum langpack, font/rendering in applications as well as the input
If you are interested, feel free to post your results on wiki and join
us in #fedora-test-day(freenode) to discuss your queries.
FAS Name: Rhe
Timezone: UTC+8
TEL: 86-010-62608141
IRC nick: rhe #fedora-qa #fedora-zh