The Fedora 15 Test Day schedule continues to roll, and this week it's the turn of power management:
This event will concentrate on testing how well various common power management operations work on a range of systems, and also on testing the functionality of the new generation PowerTOP[1] utility.
As this Test Day aims to test out existing functionality on a range of hardware, it's vital that we get as many testers as possible so we can find as many bugs as we can! The testing is easy, quick and will be possible entirely from a live CD - the Test Day team are currently working on creating the live CD. QA and development team members will be available all day to help you with testing and reporting your results. Full instructions are available on the Wiki page, and we'll be in #fedora-test-day on Freenode IRC[2] all day long.
Please do come along and help out on Thursday if you have a bit of spare time! Thanks a lot.
1. 2. irc://