Thanks dude. I'm updating the system right now, and will see if these problems are fixed.

Em Qui, 2003-10-02 às 14:23, Andre Robatino escreveu:
  The beta2 updates channel is available, and this morning the first batch
of updates came out.  Good news: with the new version metacity-2.6.2-1, the
window sticking bug appears gone.  Bad news: The new mozilla-1.4.1-0 hangs,
Konqueror runs normally on the CNN Web site but hangs when I try to go to
the bugzilla web site.  I can see the redirected https:// URL in the window,
but it never has a chance to load.  The bug probably resides below both
browsers.  It happens when running either the original 2061 or today's 2082
kernel.  Are other people experiencing this, and any ideas where it's
coming from?

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