I had similar issues, problems with kernel modules, I think.

kernel-3.6.6-4.fc19 from koji fixed it for me.


On 11/08/2012 07:17 PM, Ankur Sinha wrote:
Hi folks,

My f18 system doesn't pull up a login screen on boot. It just waits.
Restarting the gdm.service from a virtual terminal gets it up though,
but I need to this at every boot now. 

Here's the gdm.service status when it didn't come up:

I checked the xorg logs as suggested. They seem to have nouveau related

This is the current gdm.service status (after I'm logged in):

Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I see a few "unable to start"
bugs at bugzilla[1], but none of them seem to be related to this.

[1] https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/bugs/gdm