#272: Add changelog to TC/RC announce mails --------------------------+----------------------- Reporter: adamwill | Owner: robatino Type: enhancement | Status: reopened Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 17 Component: Trac | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: Blocked By: | Blocking: --------------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by robatino):
It's not a question of difficulty - it's easy to do, what I'm concerned about is that it will make it more difficult for people to find other information in the announcement. A link takes up a fixed amount of space, so if everything is a link, then a specific link will always be two-thirds of the way through the announcement, say, and it's easy to find. Once I start replacing links with copied/pasted content, that's no longer true. I'm worried that we'll start seeing other tickets asking for *their* info to be copied and pasted in, since the existing copied/pasted content makes their links hard to find. Eventually the announcement may get so long that someone will submit a ticket asking for most of this content to be replaced by links again. Lather, rinse, repeat.