I'm having a lot of problems with Fedora Core 2 Test 3 on my Toshiba P15-S420 Laptop. I made a clean installation and when the system first started it showed me a black screen. I changed the runlevel to 3 and it booted to text mode. The GUI loaded successfully after running startx. I am using the generic vesa driver.
Now the problem is that I cannot log out or restart the machine. Every time I try it just shows me a black screen after which I have to remove the laptop battery to turn off the machine.
Also, sometimes there is a problem with applications. Once in a while something happens to the system and the applications wouldn't start. I can't start the terminal, text editors or any other apps. The only things that still start are Mozilla and file manager.
Finally, NVIDIA drivers don't work either. They compile and install fine, I edited xorg.conf file and after reboot it showed me a black screen again so I switched back to vesa driver.
My RedHat 9 installation was working fine and I didn't have any of the above problems. However my sound didn't work and wireless couldn't do dhcp. That's why I switched to Fedora Core 2 and the new 2.6.5 kernel.