#272: Add changelog to TC/RC announce mails --------------------------+----------------------- Reporter: adamwill | Owner: robatino Type: enhancement | Status: reopened Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 17 Component: Trac | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: Blocked By: | Blocking: --------------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by robatino):
Replying to [comment:8 cwickert]:
Would it be possible to copy & paste the relevant updates to the
announce mail? I think you as the sender have a much better insight of the changes than the people who receive the mail, especially if they don't look immediately after the mail was sent and the ticket has changes in the meantime.
My understanding of the changes, compared to Adam, is extremely limited. I could just copy and paste the relevant comments from the ticket as you suggest, but that would then make it harder for people to find the other information in the ticket, and possibly generate more tickets by people asking that *their* information be copied and pasted into the announcement, and so on. I'd really prefer to stick as much as possible to links rather than direct copy and paste, to avoid an arms race, and also because it's less error-prone and faster.
Regarding the suggestion by johannbg, even if this information can be automatically generated, I'd still resist copying and pasting directly into the announcement, for the above reasons, but adding a link to it would be good.