I am also experiencing this behaviour, but as I used to hear computers making any kinds of funny noises in the past, I am not bothered by this, so I did not even notice it.
My laptops are Lenovo P1 and Lenovo T580. They both produce the beep sounds.

On Fri, Sep 23, 2022 at 2:28 AM AV via test <test@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On Thu, 2022-09-22 at 10:41 +0200, Kamil Paral wrote:
Completely randomly, my laptop sometimes emits a loud PC speaker beep while rebooting/powering off Fedora 37. The beep is very strong, and as a PC speaker sound, it of course ignores any configured volume level, mute status, and even headphones plugged in. I fortunately am in a different room than the rest of my family sleeps in, but if I were in the same room, and were I just a regular user, this would probably be the last day of Fedora on that laptop. The beep is that loud and uncomfortable, especially at night.

I wonder if somebody else running F37 noticed it as well? Any hints what might cause it and how we can fix it? It never happened on F36 on the same laptop.

I experienced this 2 or 3 times (I think while installing fed 34 and fed 35).
A very very loud screeching beep. I almost fell of my chair.
So I don't think it has anything specially to do with fed 37.
At the time I thought that something was wrong with the laptop or that I had
done something not compatible with normal laptop use.
But as everything worked normally afterwards I forgot about it.
And I also forgot to lookup information about 'signals' related to
pc functioning.

Strange that you experience this randomly. Maybe fed 37 has activated
the pc speaker in a strange way
Stan demonstrates it can be turned off but unless this can be demonstrated
to be a quirk of fed 37 I think I would like to know the cause.  .

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Lukáš Růžička


Red Hat

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