>try updating yum first ; 3.1.5 should be MUCH faster
> Bob Styma
Upgrading yum fixed serious upgrade problems
yum -y upgrade yum
yum clean all
service yum-updatesd restart

Now dependences were resolved and downloads started.
It was necessary to run yum clean.

There are many packages updates backed up to I'm leaving it to do it's think and will check it after dinner. I suppose the update could still fail.
For some reason yum ver 3.1.4 was reporting conflicts between existing packages and release updates. upgrading to yum 3.1.5 solved at least this problem.

On 3/23/07, dragoran <drago01@gmail.com> wrote:
Styma, Robert E (Robert) wrote:
> Running Yum under FC7T2, it started out
> spending about 2 hours checking over 3100
> dependencies.
> I have not seen this with earlier versions
> of yum.  Is this to be expected?
>try updating yum first ; 3.1.5 should be MUCH faster
> Bob Styma

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