Hi Kamil,

Not really. They could have got their install medium from an event, a conference, a friend or a colleague, university or college...  Maybe they didn't even install the system themselves.  Often someone with some knowledge of Linux install it in their relatives/friends/partners/colleagues/classmates laptop or computer.  Also, a person may want to try other systems or maybe they didn't know about Spins and Labs and now they want to give them a go.  Maybe they made their install medium in another system and now what?  Asking someone to borrow them 15 minutes to make another install medium?
I always thought it was a bit strange that Media Writer is not installed by default.

Kind regards,
FAS:  Lailah

On Tue, 14 May 2019 at 15:31, Kamil Paral <kparal@redhat.com> wrote:
On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 12:56 PM pmkellly@frontier.com <pmkellly@frontier.com> wrote:

When a system is installed to hard disk from Workstation Live, Media
Writer is not part of that install. The thinking is that people use
Media Writer as the main way they create install media; so it would be
handy to have it installed with the Anaconda install of Workstation.
Rather than installing Media Writer later on.

If somebody has already booted a Fedora install medium (either live or netinst), they already know how to create it, and they already either used FMW or didn't need it (dd etc). Why would we need to add FMW to the default installation then? They can install any time they need it. It would just consume more space and add some QA work (although not much because we already test it). What's the point?

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