On Thu, May 5, 2022 at 10:11 PM Yosuke Matsumura <yosukematsumura@gmail.com> wrote:
Tested on Fedora 36 Kinoite - Flatpak downloaded from (https://github.com/FedoraQt/MediaWriter/releases/download/latest-flatpak/org.fedoraproject.MediaWriter.flatpak). System Info (https://paste.centos.org/view/2ecf0d35)

* After installation of the flatpak, doing a `flatpak list` shows that the app is version 4.2.0. But I'm assuming that it's the 5.0 version since the UI is different than what I'm used to.

* The Write Options Screen has the UI overflow below the bottom of the window and the window cannot be scrolled or resized to view it. (https://pasteboard.co/qBWgpml9QpJf.png)

* The Downloads Screen has an icon mid/center, but it is very small and can't see what it is. (https://pasteboard.co/eAOAcGJsOmKm.png)

* Canceling a download. Dialog box is cut off, and cannot scroll down/resize window to confirm cancel. (https://pasteboard.co/uGXAtOM7dhsZ.png)

* Restore Screen. Same window size issue. (https://pasteboard.co/xMGItvM5ci04.png)

* Deleting media after write. I couldn't see whether the option for Delete download after writing was checked due to window layout (https://pasteboard.co/cYDUEmEr89ED.png). Nevertheless, on the Writing media screen, the text "This will delete installation media from your drive" appears (https://pasteboard.co/ZJnHjfBj1Yvj.png). If the Delete Download button was not active, this message shouldn't appear. If the Delete Download was active, and I couldn't see it, the actual behavior is wrong because the media was *not* deleted from my drive after the write completed.

Hi Yosuke, thanks for a great feedback! All those images give me HTTP 502. Perhaps the site is down just temporarily. If it is not, and you still have the screenshots available, could you upload them elsewhere? Or, alternatively, report those issues individually at https://github.com/FedoraQt/MediaWriter/issues and send the links here? Thanks a lot!