Your friendly neighborhood QA test lead here, letting you know that we will have a meeting for the Fedora QA team at 1600UTC (1100am EST) on Wed, Jan 10, 2007.
I'll post a meeting agenda to the wiki soon at this address: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Meetings/20070110
But here's the wrinkle - new year, new channels! We will switch the fedora tester discussion over to fedora-qa-list (for email) and this upcoming meeting will be held in #fedora-qa on freenode.
To repeat: fedora-triage and fedora-test will be merged into fedora- qa real soon. Please start using #fedora-qa for all tester business on IRC, and Real Soon Now we will establish the new fedora-qa- list@redhat.com email list.
Okay? Okay!
Respond here if there's any questions or comments. If there's anything you want added to the agenda, add it on the wiki page or email here.