We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
In particular we're looking for users of PackageKit on Fedora 9 to test this, as our yum and pirut results have been pretty rock solid.
To test, you will need to modify your fedora-updates.repo file in the [updates] section, comment out the mirrorlist url, uncomment the baseurl line and make the line read:
(note, if you have updates-testing enabled, you should disable it during this test)
Save the file and initiate an update with PackageKit (System -> Administration -> Update System)
This should show you 5 or so updates: fedora-release PackageKit-* unique gnome-packagekit
Once these updates are installed, you'll have a new set of .repo files, fedora-updates(-testing)-newkey.repo. These repo files will be pointing you to mirror manager to find mirrors that have all the newly resigned updates as well as some new updates you haven't seen before. PackageKit should automatically notice these updates a few minutes after installing the previously mentioned 5 or so updates, and prompt you to install the rest of them.
This is where things get dicey. Once PackageKit downloads all your updates, you'll be prompted to import a new key (see https://fedoraproject.org/keys for currently used keys). After clicking yes to import the key (after you verified it) the PackageKit dialog will disappear while it does the import, and it should come back, or at least the panel icon will come back to indicate that it is trying once again to install your updates. The update installation /should/ succeed, that's what we're looking for.
You can monitor all of this activity with 'pkmon' on the terminal, which is a good idea because if it fails for you in some way, the output from pkmon during the failure will be important to resolving the issue.
Please keep good notes if you experience failures and capture screenshots.
Known problems resemble something like http://togami.com/~warren/temp/policykit-error.png or https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=461553
Thanks everybody for the testing!
Jesse Keating wrote:
Once these updates are installed, you'll have a new set of .repo files, fedora-updates(-testing)-newkey.repo. These repo files will be pointing you to mirror manager to find mirrors that have all the newly resigned updates as well as some new updates you haven't seen before. PackageKit should automatically notice these updates a few minutes after installing the previously mentioned 5 or so updates, and prompt you to install the rest of them.
Didn't seem to nitice this - I left the box for five or ten minutes and was not prompted for further updates. Then I got bored and hit System->Administration->Update System again.
That found 35 security updates, 65 bug fix updates and 25 enhancement updates.
This is where things get dicey. Once PackageKit downloads all your updates, you'll be prompted to import a new key (see https://fedoraproject.org/keys for currently used keys). After clicking yes to import the key (after you verified it) the PackageKit dialog will disappear while it does the import, and it should come back, or at least the panel icon will come back to indicate that it is trying once again to install your updates. The update installation /should/ succeed, that's what we're looking for.
Works For Me(TM)! I got the import dialog, verified the key ID & hit import. Got the authentication dialog (which I couldn't screenshot since it's modal) and after a brief delay the process moved on to the test transaction.
FWIW this is what pkmon logged at the time:
[none]... Tasks: /14_caaeaccc_data install-signature:wait guile;5:1.8.5-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /14_caaeaccc_data install-signature:running guile;5:1.8.5-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /14_caaeaccc_data install-signature:info guile;5:1.8.5-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey locked Tasks: /14_caaeaccc_data install-signature:finished guile;5:1.8.5-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey unlocked
http://togami.com/~warren/temp/policykit-error.png or https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=461553
Didn't see anything like this.
Thanks everybody for the testing!
Thanks for giving us something to test!
Cheers, Bryn.
Jesse Keating wrote: *snip* Had to run System -> Administration -> Update System After installing the 5 packages from kosji
Orher than that things ran smoothly...
Test machine Lenovo T61p x86_64
Are these mixed results perhaps related to different arch ( i686 x86_64 ?
[root@localhost ~]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ [root@localhost yum.repos.d]# vim fedora-updates-testing.repo [root@localhost yum.repos.d]# vim fedora-updates.repo [root@localhost yum.repos.d]# pkmon Tasks: /14_adecdecc_data update-package:download PackageKit-libs;0.2.5-1.fc9;x86_64;updates Tasks: /14_adecdecc_data update-package:sig-check PackageKit-libs;0.2.5-1.fc9;x86_64;updates locked Tasks: /14_adecdecc_data update-package:test-commit PackageKit-libs;0.2.5-1.fc9;x86_64;updates Tasks: /14_adecdecc_data update-package:update PackageKit-libs;0.2.5-1.fc9;x86_64;updates Tasks: /14_adecdecc_data update-package:cleanup PackageKit-libs;0.2.5-1.fc9;x86_64;updates Tasks: /14_adecdecc_data update-package:finished PackageKit-libs;0.2.5-1.fc9;x86_64;updates unlocked Tasks: [none]... updates-changed Tasks: /15_ecdabbac_data get-updates:wait Tasks: /15_ecdabbac_data get-updates:running Tasks: /15_ecdabbac_data get-updates:info Tasks: /15_ecdabbac_data get-updates:download-repository Tasks: /15_ecdabbac_data get-updates:download-package updates-changed Tasks: /15_ecdabbac_data get-updates:download-updateinfo locked Tasks: /15_ecdabbac_data get-updates:finished unlocked Tasks: [none]... Tasks: /16_ecbacede_data get-updates:wait Tasks: /16_ecbacede_data get-updates:running Tasks: /16_ecbacede_data get-updates:info locked Tasks: /16_ecbacede_data get-updates:finished unlocked Tasks: [none]... Tasks: /17_eadaebcb_data get-update-detail:wait amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /17_eadaebcb_data get-update-detail:running amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /17_eadaebcb_data get-update-detail:info amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey locked Tasks: /17_eadaebcb_data get-update-detail:finished amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey unlocked Tasks: [none]... Tasks: [none]... Tasks: /19_badcaadc_data update-package:wait amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey locked Tasks: /19_badcaadc_data update-package:running amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /19_badcaadc_data update-package:dep-resolve amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey unlocked Tasks: /19_badcaadc_data update-package:download amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /19_badcaadc_data update-package:sig-check amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey locked Tasks: /19_badcaadc_data update-package:finished amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey unlocked Tasks: [none]... Tasks: /20_acabaadc_data install-signature:wait phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /20_acabaadc_data install-signature:running phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /20_acabaadc_data install-signature:info phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey locked Tasks: /20_acabaadc_data install-signature:finished phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey unlocked Tasks: [none]... Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:wait amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey locked Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:running amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:dep-resolve amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey unlocked Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:download amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:sig-check amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey locked Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:test-commit amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:update amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:install amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:update amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:install amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:update amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:install amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:update amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:install amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:update amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:install amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:update amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:install amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:update amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:install amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:update amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:cleanup amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:remove amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:cleanup amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:remove amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:cleanup amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /21_caecdbde_data update-package:finished amarok-visualisation;1.4.10-1.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey unlocked Tasks: [none]... updates-changed Tasks: /22_dcbbeedc_data get-updates:wait Tasks: /22_dcbbeedc_data get-updates:running Tasks: /22_dcbbeedc_data get-updates:info locked Tasks: /22_dcbbeedc_data get-updates:finished unlocked Tasks: [none]... updates-changed Tasks: /23_dccabaec_data get-updates:wait Tasks: /23_dccabaec_data get-updates:running Tasks: /23_dccabaec_data get-updates:info locked Tasks: /23_dccabaec_data get-updates:finished unlocked Tasks: [none]...
In the FWIW department:
1. I made the change 2. I saved the file and initiated an update with PackageKit (System -> Administration -> Update System) 3. Five changes showed up 4. I clicked "apply updates" 5. I just sits there...nothing happens. The changes don't apply....it just sits there. 6. I tried clicking close and telling it to do it again...nada...the updates how up but clicking "apply updates" does nothing.
________________________________________ From: fedora-test-list-bounces@redhat.com [fedora-test-list-bounces@redhat.com] On Behalf Of Jesse Keating [jkeating@redhat.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 1:29 PM To: fedora-test-list@redhat.com Subject: Need help testing updates transition for 8 and 9
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
In particular we're looking for users of PackageKit on Fedora 9 to test this, as our yum and pirut results have been pretty rock solid.
To test, you will need to modify your fedora-updates.repo file in the [updates] section, comment out the mirrorlist url, uncomment the baseurl line and make the line read:
(note, if you have updates-testing enabled, you should disable it during this test)
Save the file and initiate an update with PackageKit (System -> Administration -> Update System)
This should show you 5 or so updates: fedora-release PackageKit-* unique gnome-packagekit
Once these updates are installed, you'll have a new set of .repo files, fedora-updates(-testing)-newkey.repo. These repo files will be pointing you to mirror manager to find mirrors that have all the newly resigned updates as well as some new updates you haven't seen before. PackageKit should automatically notice these updates a few minutes after installing the previously mentioned 5 or so updates, and prompt you to install the rest of them.
This is where things get dicey. Once PackageKit downloads all your updates, you'll be prompted to import a new key (see https://fedoraproject.org/keys for currently used keys). After clicking yes to import the key (after you verified it) the PackageKit dialog will disappear while it does the import, and it should come back, or at least the panel icon will come back to indicate that it is trying once again to install your updates. The update installation /should/ succeed, that's what we're looking for.
You can monitor all of this activity with 'pkmon' on the terminal, which is a good idea because if it fails for you in some way, the output from pkmon during the failure will be important to resolving the issue.
Please keep good notes if you experience failures and capture screenshots.
Known problems resemble something like http://togami.com/~warren/temp/policykit-error.png or https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=461553
Thanks everybody for the testing!
-- Jesse Keating Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature! identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating
Oh yeah...here is the output:
# pkmon Tasks: [none]... Tasks: [none]... Tasks: /14_dadcdbed_data get-update-detail:wait PackageKit-libs;0.2.5-1.fc9;x86_64;updates Tasks: /14_dadcdbed_data get-update-detail:running PackageKit-libs;0.2.5-1.fc9;x86_64;updates Tasks: /14_dadcdbed_data get-update-detail:info PackageKit-libs;0.2.5-1.fc9;x86_64;updates locked Tasks: /14_dadcdbed_data get-update-detail:finished PackageKit-libs;0.2.5-1.fc9;x86_64;updates unlocked Tasks: [none]...
________________________________________ From: fedora-test-list-bounces@redhat.com [fedora-test-list-bounces@redhat.com] On Behalf Of Arch Willingham [arch@tuparks.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 3:02 PM To: For testers of Fedora Core development releases Subject: RE: Need help testing updates transition for 8 and 9
In the FWIW department:
1. I made the change 2. I saved the file and initiated an update with PackageKit (System -> Administration -> Update System) 3. Five changes showed up 4. I clicked "apply updates" 5. I just sits there...nothing happens. The changes don't apply....it just sits there. 6. I tried clicking close and telling it to do it again...nada...the updates how up but clicking "apply updates" does nothing.
________________________________________ From: fedora-test-list-bounces@redhat.com [fedora-test-list-bounces@redhat.com] On Behalf Of Jesse Keating [jkeating@redhat.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 1:29 PM To: fedora-test-list@redhat.com Subject: Need help testing updates transition for 8 and 9
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
In particular we're looking for users of PackageKit on Fedora 9 to test this, as our yum and pirut results have been pretty rock solid.
To test, you will need to modify your fedora-updates.repo file in the [updates] section, comment out the mirrorlist url, uncomment the baseurl line and make the line read:
(note, if you have updates-testing enabled, you should disable it during this test)
Save the file and initiate an update with PackageKit (System -> Administration -> Update System)
This should show you 5 or so updates: fedora-release PackageKit-* unique gnome-packagekit
Once these updates are installed, you'll have a new set of .repo files, fedora-updates(-testing)-newkey.repo. These repo files will be pointing you to mirror manager to find mirrors that have all the newly resigned updates as well as some new updates you haven't seen before. PackageKit should automatically notice these updates a few minutes after installing the previously mentioned 5 or so updates, and prompt you to install the rest of them.
This is where things get dicey. Once PackageKit downloads all your updates, you'll be prompted to import a new key (see https://fedoraproject.org/keys for currently used keys). After clicking yes to import the key (after you verified it) the PackageKit dialog will disappear while it does the import, and it should come back, or at least the panel icon will come back to indicate that it is trying once again to install your updates. The update installation /should/ succeed, that's what we're looking for.
You can monitor all of this activity with 'pkmon' on the terminal, which is a good idea because if it fails for you in some way, the output from pkmon during the failure will be important to resolving the issue.
Please keep good notes if you experience failures and capture screenshots.
Known problems resemble something like http://togami.com/~warren/temp/policykit-error.png or https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=461553
Thanks everybody for the testing!
-- Jesse Keating Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature! identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating
-- fedora-test-list mailing list fedora-test-list@redhat.com To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-test-list
On Tuesday 09 September 2008 20:02:43 Arch Willingham wrote:
In the FWIW department:
- I made the change
- I saved the file and initiated an update with PackageKit (System ->
Administration -> Update System) 3. Five changes showed up 4. I clicked "apply updates" 5. I just sits there...nothing happens. The changes don't apply....it just sits there. 6. I tried clicking close and telling it to do it again...nada...the updates how up but clicking "apply updates" does nothing.
I had the exact same problem on a old Dell D600 laptop. I waited about 20 minutes and nothing happened. A proccess called kcrypd ketp running every minute or so.
Eventually I rebooted the machine and restarted the update from start and it seems to be working. It's downloading 265 packages now
From: fedora-test-list-bounces@redhat.com [fedora-test-list-bounces@redhat.com] On Behalf Of Jesse Keating [jkeating@redhat.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 1:29 PM To: fedora-test-list@redhat.com Subject: Need help testing updates transition for 8 and 9
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
In particular we're looking for users of PackageKit on Fedora 9 to test this, as our yum and pirut results have been pretty rock solid.
To test, you will need to modify your fedora-updates.repo file in the [updates] section, comment out the mirrorlist url, uncomment the baseurl line and make the line read:
baseurl=http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/mash/updates/f$releasever-updates .jktest/$basearch/
(note, if you have updates-testing enabled, you should disable it during this test)
Save the file and initiate an update with PackageKit (System -> Administration -> Update System)
This should show you 5 or so updates: fedora-release PackageKit-* unique gnome-packagekit
Once these updates are installed, you'll have a new set of .repo files, fedora-updates(-testing)-newkey.repo. These repo files will be pointing you to mirror manager to find mirrors that have all the newly resigned updates as well as some new updates you haven't seen before. PackageKit should automatically notice these updates a few minutes after installing the previously mentioned 5 or so updates, and prompt you to install the rest of them.
This is where things get dicey. Once PackageKit downloads all your updates, you'll be prompted to import a new key (see https://fedoraproject.org/keys for currently used keys). After clicking yes to import the key (after you verified it) the PackageKit dialog will disappear while it does the import, and it should come back, or at least the panel icon will come back to indicate that it is trying once again to install your updates. The update installation /should/ succeed, that's what we're looking for.
You can monitor all of this activity with 'pkmon' on the terminal, which is a good idea because if it fails for you in some way, the output from pkmon during the failure will be important to resolving the issue.
Please keep good notes if you experience failures and capture screenshots.
Known problems resemble something like http://togami.com/~warren/temp/policykit-error.png or https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=461553
Thanks everybody for the testing!
-- Jesse Keating Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature! identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating
I rebooted and tired it again...it sat there for a long time...nothing. I then cheated and ran YUMEX. It saw the five updates and applied them just fine. Once the ran I tried running the (System -> Administration -> Update System) and again, it just sat there doign nothing. I let it sit while I wrote e-mails on another computer...nada. I just cranked up YUMEX for the fun of it....wham there it goes. ________________________________________ From: fedora-test-list-bounces@redhat.com [fedora-test-list-bounces@redhat.com] On Behalf Of Tony Molloy [tony.molloy@ul.ie] Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 3:38 PM To: For testers of Fedora Core development releases Subject: Re: Need help testing updates transition for 8 and 9
On Tuesday 09 September 2008 20:02:43 Arch Willingham wrote:
In the FWIW department:
- I made the change
- I saved the file and initiated an update with PackageKit (System ->
Administration -> Update System) 3. Five changes showed up 4. I clicked "apply updates" 5. I just sits there...nothing happens. The changes don't apply....it just sits there. 6. I tried clicking close and telling it to do it again...nada...the updates how up but clicking "apply updates" does nothing.
I had the exact same problem on a old Dell D600 laptop. I waited about 20 minutes and nothing happened. A proccess called kcrypd ketp running every minute or so.
Eventually I rebooted the machine and restarted the update from start and it seems to be working. It's downloading 265 packages now
From: fedora-test-list-bounces@redhat.com [fedora-test-list-bounces@redhat.com] On Behalf Of Jesse Keating [jkeating@redhat.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 1:29 PM To: fedora-test-list@redhat.com Subject: Need help testing updates transition for 8 and 9
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
In particular we're looking for users of PackageKit on Fedora 9 to test this, as our yum and pirut results have been pretty rock solid.
To test, you will need to modify your fedora-updates.repo file in the [updates] section, comment out the mirrorlist url, uncomment the baseurl line and make the line read:
baseurl=http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/mash/updates/f$releasever-updates .jktest/$basearch/
(note, if you have updates-testing enabled, you should disable it during this test)
Save the file and initiate an update with PackageKit (System -> Administration -> Update System)
This should show you 5 or so updates: fedora-release PackageKit-* unique gnome-packagekit
Once these updates are installed, you'll have a new set of .repo files, fedora-updates(-testing)-newkey.repo. These repo files will be pointing you to mirror manager to find mirrors that have all the newly resigned updates as well as some new updates you haven't seen before. PackageKit should automatically notice these updates a few minutes after installing the previously mentioned 5 or so updates, and prompt you to install the rest of them.
This is where things get dicey. Once PackageKit downloads all your updates, you'll be prompted to import a new key (see https://fedoraproject.org/keys for currently used keys). After clicking yes to import the key (after you verified it) the PackageKit dialog will disappear while it does the import, and it should come back, or at least the panel icon will come back to indicate that it is trying once again to install your updates. The update installation /should/ succeed, that's what we're looking for.
You can monitor all of this activity with 'pkmon' on the terminal, which is a good idea because if it fails for you in some way, the output from pkmon during the failure will be important to resolving the issue.
Please keep good notes if you experience failures and capture screenshots.
Known problems resemble something like http://togami.com/~warren/temp/policykit-error.png or https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=461553
Thanks everybody for the testing!
-- Jesse Keating Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature! identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating
-- fedora-test-list mailing list fedora-test-list@redhat.com To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-test-list
Arch Willingham <arch <at> tuparks.com> writes:
I rebooted and tired it again...it sat there for a long time...nothing. I then
cheated and ran YUMEX. It saw
the five updates and applied them just fine. Once the ran I tried running the
(System -> Administration ->
Update System) and again, it just sat there doign nothing. I let it sit while
Is it worth checking that the symptoms seen in http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/rel-eng/2008-September/001729.html may or may not be happening?
i.e. that:
"* At this point it appears that PK failed, but it is actually updating packages in the background while the dialog shows a failure and the other dialog makes it appear that it finished."
is or is not happening?
On Tuesday 09 September 2008 20:43:52 Arch Willingham wrote:
I rebooted and tired it again...it sat there for a long time...nothing. I then cheated and ran YUMEX. It saw the five updates and applied them just fine. Once the ran I tried running the (System -> Administration -> Update System) and again, it just sat there doign nothing. I let it sit while I wrote e-mails on another computer...nada. I just cranked up YUMEX for the fun of it....wham there it goes. ________________________________________
I'm just running it on another laptop A Dell Latitude 830 and it went no trouble. Its downloading the updates now. Could it be an architecture problem I'm on a i386 and yor're on X86_64.
Another problem I see Jesse is that when the new repos get installed then the updates repo is created as fedora-updates.repo.rpmnew. The original updates repo has to be there to do the initial update. I copied the new repo to the old one. Should this be done as part of the install. I presume PackageKit will not usea repo called ??.rpmnew.
From: fedora-test-list-bounces@redhat.com [fedora-test-list-bounces@redhat.com] On Behalf Of Tony Molloy [tony.molloy@ul.ie] Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 3:38 PM To: For testers of Fedora Core development releases Subject: Re: Need help testing updates transition for 8 and 9
On Tuesday 09 September 2008 20:02:43 Arch Willingham wrote:
In the FWIW department:
- I made the change
- I saved the file and initiated an update with PackageKit (System ->
Administration -> Update System) 3. Five changes showed up 4. I clicked "apply updates" 5. I just sits there...nothing happens. The changes don't apply....it just sits there. 6. I tried clicking close and telling it to do it again...nada...the updates how up but clicking "apply updates" does nothing.
I had the exact same problem on a old Dell D600 laptop. I waited about 20 minutes and nothing happened. A proccess called kcrypd ketp running every minute or so.
Eventually I rebooted the machine and restarted the update from start and it seems to be working. It's downloading 265 packages now
From: fedora-test-list-bounces@redhat.com [fedora-test-list-bounces@redhat.com] On Behalf Of Jesse Keating [jkeating@redhat.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 1:29 PM To: fedora-test-list@redhat.com Subject: Need help testing updates transition for 8 and 9
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
In particular we're looking for users of PackageKit on Fedora 9 to test this, as our yum and pirut results have been pretty rock solid.
To test, you will need to modify your fedora-updates.repo file in the [updates] section, comment out the mirrorlist url, uncomment the baseurl line and make the line read:
baseurl=http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/mash/updates/f$releasever-updat es .jktest/$basearch/
(note, if you have updates-testing enabled, you should disable it during this test)
Save the file and initiate an update with PackageKit (System -> Administration -> Update System)
This should show you 5 or so updates: fedora-release PackageKit-* unique gnome-packagekit
Once these updates are installed, you'll have a new set of .repo files, fedora-updates(-testing)-newkey.repo. These repo files will be pointing you to mirror manager to find mirrors that have all the newly resigned updates as well as some new updates you haven't seen before. PackageKit should automatically notice these updates a few minutes after installing the previously mentioned 5 or so updates, and prompt you to install the rest of them.
This is where things get dicey. Once PackageKit downloads all your updates, you'll be prompted to import a new key (see https://fedoraproject.org/keys for currently used keys). After clicking yes to import the key (after you verified it) the PackageKit dialog will disappear while it does the import, and it should come back, or at least the panel icon will come back to indicate that it is trying once again to install your updates. The update installation /should/ succeed, that's what we're looking for.
You can monitor all of this activity with 'pkmon' on the terminal, which is a good idea because if it fails for you in some way, the output from pkmon during the failure will be important to resolving the issue.
Please keep good notes if you experience failures and capture screenshots.
Known problems resemble something like http://togami.com/~warren/temp/policykit-error.png or https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=461553
Thanks everybody for the testing!
-- Jesse Keating Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature! identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating
-- fedora-test-list mailing list fedora-test-list@redhat.com To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-test-list
On Tue, 2008-09-09 at 21:23 +0100, Tony Molloy wrote:
Another problem I see Jesse is that when the new repos get installed then the updates repo is created as fedora-updates.repo.rpmnew. The original updates repo has to be there to do the initial update. I copied the new repo to the old one. Should this be done as part of the install. I presume PackageKit will not usea repo called ??.rpmnew.
False alarm.
You edited the existing fedora-updates.repo, ergo when the new fedora-release went to put down the unmodified 'fedora-updates.repo' file it got created as .rpmnew. This is fine. The only repo file we're worried about is a brand new repo file, fedora-updates-newkey.repo. That's the repo file that points at the new updates in the new location.
On Tue, 2008-09-09 at 15:02 -0400, Arch Willingham wrote:
- I just sits there...nothing happens. The changes don't apply....it just sits there.
- I tried clicking close and telling it to do it again...nada...the updates how up but clicking "apply updates" does nothing.
It sounds like you're running gnome-packagekit as root. Can you run this under a normal user's login?
On Tue, 2008-09-09 at 10:29 -0700, Jesse Keating wrote:
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
No Problems at all using Fedora 9. Update is continuing ...
I have the pkmon output if it is needed.
Bill Dearborn (wjd)
Jesse Keating wrote:
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
In particular we're looking for users of PackageKit on Fedora 9 to test this, as our yum and pirut results have been pretty rock solid.
To test, you will need to modify your fedora-updates.repo file in the [updates] section, comment out the mirrorlist url, uncomment the baseurl line and make the line read:
(note, if you have updates-testing enabled, you should disable it during this test)
Save the file and initiate an update with PackageKit (System -> Administration -> Update System)
This should show you 5 or so updates: fedora-release PackageKit-* unique gnome-packagekit
Once these updates are installed, you'll have a new set of .repo files, fedora-updates(-testing)-newkey.repo. These repo files will be pointing you to mirror manager to find mirrors that have all the newly resigned updates as well as some new updates you haven't seen before. PackageKit should automatically notice these updates a few minutes after installing the previously mentioned 5 or so updates, and prompt you to install the rest of them.
This is where things get dicey. Once PackageKit downloads all your updates, you'll be prompted to import a new key (see https://fedoraproject.org/keys for currently used keys). After clicking yes to import the key (after you verified it) the PackageKit dialog will disappear while it does the import, and it should come back, or at least the panel icon will come back to indicate that it is trying once again to install your updates. The update installation /should/ succeed, that's what we're looking for.
You can monitor all of this activity with 'pkmon' on the terminal, which is a good idea because if it fails for you in some way, the output from pkmon during the failure will be important to resolving the issue.
Please keep good notes if you experience failures and capture screenshots.
Known problems resemble something like http://togami.com/~warren/temp/policykit-error.png or https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=461553
Thanks everybody for the testing!
Worked ok on Fedora 9 system.
Jesse Keating <jkeating <at> redhat.com> writes:
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
In particular we're looking for users of PackageKit on Fedora 9 to test this, as our yum and pirut results have been pretty rock solid.
Although you said you are looking in particular for f9 tests with PackageKit are you also looking for f8 testing with yum - or is this essentially deemed solid enough that no further tests are needed?
On Tue, 2008-09-09 at 19:38 +0000, Mike wrote:
Although you said you are looking in particular for f9 tests with PackageKit are you also looking for f8 testing with yum - or is this essentially deemed solid enough that no further tests are needed?
I'd welcome further testing, I'm just not expecting any failures (:
Works fine for me. Update gone exactly as described
2008/9/9 Jesse Keating jkeating@redhat.com
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
In particular we're looking for users of PackageKit on Fedora 9 to test this, as our yum and pirut results have been pretty rock solid.
To test, you will need to modify your fedora-updates.repo file in the [updates] section, comment out the mirrorlist url, uncomment the baseurl line and make the line read:
baseurl= http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/mash/updates/f$releasever-updates.jktest/$...
(note, if you have updates-testing enabled, you should disable it during this test)
Save the file and initiate an update with PackageKit (System -> Administration -> Update System)
This should show you 5 or so updates: fedora-release PackageKit-* unique gnome-packagekit
Once these updates are installed, you'll have a new set of .repo files, fedora-updates(-testing)-newkey.repo. These repo files will be pointing you to mirror manager to find mirrors that have all the newly resigned updates as well as some new updates you haven't seen before. PackageKit should automatically notice these updates a few minutes after installing the previously mentioned 5 or so updates, and prompt you to install the rest of them.
This is where things get dicey. Once PackageKit downloads all your updates, you'll be prompted to import a new key (see https://fedoraproject.org/keys for currently used keys). After clicking yes to import the key (after you verified it) the PackageKit dialog will disappear while it does the import, and it should come back, or at least the panel icon will come back to indicate that it is trying once again to install your updates. The update installation /should/ succeed, that's what we're looking for.
You can monitor all of this activity with 'pkmon' on the terminal, which is a good idea because if it fails for you in some way, the output from pkmon during the failure will be important to resolving the issue.
Please keep good notes if you experience failures and capture screenshots.
Known problems resemble something like http://togami.com/~warren/temp/policykit-error.pnghttp://togami.com/%7Ewarren/temp/policykit-error.pngor https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=461553
Thanks everybody for the testing!
-- Jesse Keating Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature! identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating
-- fedora-test-list mailing list fedora-test-list@redhat.com To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-test-list
Jesse Keating <jkeating <at> redhat.com> writes:
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
Tested with yum for f8 - and apart from a dependency issue for xine and needing yum update --exclude xine-lib-extras-nonfree --exclude xine-lib --exclude xine-lib-arts
it worked fine.
On Tue, 9 Sep 2008, Mike wrote:
To: fedora-test-list@redhat.com From: Mike mike.cloaked@gmail.com Subject: Re: Need help testing updates transition for 8 and 9
Jesse Keating <jkeating <at> redhat.com> writes:
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
Tested with yum for f8 - and apart from a dependency issue for xine and needing yum update --exclude xine-lib-extras-nonfree --exclude xine-lib --exclude xine-lib-arts
This is my first update on F8 since the outage. I have the same problem with the xine dependency. Please see attached screenshot for details.
Kind Regards,
Keith Roberts
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On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 11:46 +0100, Keith Roberts wrote:
On Tue, 9 Sep 2008, Mike wrote:
To: fedora-test-list@redhat.com From: Mike mike.cloaked@gmail.com Subject: Re: Need help testing updates transition for 8 and 9
Jesse Keating <jkeating <at> redhat.com> writes:
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
Tested with yum for f8 - and apart from a dependency issue for xine and needing yum update --exclude xine-lib-extras-nonfree --exclude xine-lib --exclude xine-lib-arts
This is my first update on F8 since the outage. I have the same problem with the xine dependency. Please see attached screenshot for details.
Try again. Livna took a while to get in synch but it works now.
This is all thar remains for me:
yum-utils-1.1.16-1.fc9.noarch from updates-newkey has depsolving problems --> Missing Dependency: yum >= 3.2.19 is needed by package yum-utils-1.1.16-1.fc9.noarch (updates-newkey) yum-security-1.1.16-1.fc9.noarch from updates-newkey has depsolving problems --> Missing Dependency: yum >= 3.2.18 is needed by package yum-security-1.1.16-1.fc9.noarch (updates-newkey)
On Wednesday 10 September 2008 12:17:25 Frank Murphy wrote:
This is all thar remains for me:
yum-utils-1.1.16-1.fc9.noarch from updates-newkey has depsolving problems --> Missing Dependency: yum >= 3.2.19 is needed by package yum-utils-1.1.16-1.fc9.noarch (updates-newkey) yum-security-1.1.16-1.fc9.noarch from updates-newkey has depsolving problems --> Missing Dependency: yum >= 3.2.18 is needed by package yum-security-1.1.16-1.fc9.noarch (updates-newkey)
Those rpms are missing from the mirrors at the moment. Just do a
yum --exclude=yum* update
until they catch up
-- gpg id EB547226 Revoked Forgot Password :( aMSN: Frankly3D http://www.frankly3d.com
On 10.09.2008 13:11, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 11:46 +0100, Keith Roberts wrote:
On Tue, 9 Sep 2008, Mike wrote:
To: fedora-test-list@redhat.com From: Mike mike.cloaked@gmail.com Subject: Re: Need help testing updates transition for 8 and 9
Jesse Keating <jkeating <at> redhat.com> writes:
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
Tested with yum for f8 - and apart from a dependency issue for xine and needing yum update --exclude xine-lib-extras-nonfree --exclude xine-lib --exclude xine-lib-arts
This is my first update on F8 since the outage. I have the same problem with the xine dependency. Please see attached screenshot for details.
Try again. Livna took a while to get in synch but it works now.
It's the other way around afaics for Keith -- yum on his machine sees the newly xine-lib-extras-nonfree from livna (¹), but doesn't see the matching xine-lib from Fedora updates newkey (yet).
This is one of the problems I described in: https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-list/2008-August/msg00041.html
I currently tend to say the problem should be fixed in yum.
CU knurd
(¹) -- which hit the repos less then half an hour after the xine-lib update was announced on fedora-package-announce-list
On 10.09.2008 13:36, Mike wrote:
Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora <at> leemhuis.info> writes:
It's the other way around afaics for Keith -- yum on his machine sees the newly xine-lib-extras-nonfree from livna (¹), but doesn't see the matching xine-lib from Fedora updates newkey (yet).
It is fixed now I think...
You a few people yes. But some others will run into this over the next few hours. And it will happen again with each xine-lib update in the Future even if Livna always releases the matching xine-lib-extras-nonfree within minutes after the Fedora update.
As mentioned already, the whole problem is explained in: https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-list/2008-August/msg00041.html
CU knurd
On Wed, 10 Sep 2008, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
To: fedora-test-list@redhat.com From: Patrick O'Callaghan pocallaghan@gmail.com Subject: Re: Need help testing updates transition for 8 and 9
On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 11:46 +0100, Keith Roberts wrote:
On Tue, 9 Sep 2008, Mike wrote:
To: fedora-test-list@redhat.com From: Mike mike.cloaked@gmail.com Subject: Re: Need help testing updates transition for 8 and 9
Jesse Keating <jkeating <at> redhat.com> writes:
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
Tested with yum for f8 - and apart from a dependency issue for xine and needing yum update --exclude xine-lib-extras-nonfree --exclude xine-lib --exclude xine-lib-arts
This is my first update on F8 since the outage. I have the same problem with the xine dependency. Please see attached screenshot for details.
Try again. Livna took a while to get in synch but it works now.
Tried again at approx 17:10 GMT. Still get the same error message :(
64bit dual core intel system successful installation
calhost ~]# pkmon Tasks: [none]... Tasks: /7_baccaacc_data update-system:wait Tasks: /7_baccaacc_data update-system:running Tasks: /7_baccaacc_data update-system:dep-resolve Tasks: /7_baccaacc_data update-system:download Tasks: /7_baccaacc_data update-system:sig-check locked Tasks: /7_baccaacc_data update-system:finished unlocked Tasks: [none]... Tasks: /8_acaaadce_data install-signature:wait phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /8_acaaadce_data install-signature:running phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /8_acaaadce_data install-signature:info phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /8_acaaadce_data install-signature:download-repository phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey locked Tasks: /8_acaaadce_data install-signature:finished phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey unlocked Tasks: [none]... Tasks: /9_aaccccba_data install-signature:wait phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /9_aaccccba_data install-signature:running phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /9_aaccccba_data install-signature:info phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey locked Tasks: /9_aaccccba_data install-signature:finished phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey unlocked Tasks: [none]... Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:wait Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:running Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:dep-resolve Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:download Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:sig-check locked Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:test-commit
--- On Tue, 9/9/08, Jesse Keating jkeating@redhat.com wrote: From: Jesse Keating jkeating@redhat.com Subject: Need help testing updates transition for 8 and 9 To: fedora-test-list@redhat.com Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2008, 1:29 PM
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
In particular we're looking for users of PackageKit on Fedora 9 to test this, as our yum and pirut results have been pretty rock solid.
To test, you will need to modify your fedora-updates.repo file in the [updates] section, comment out the mirrorlist url, uncomment the baseurl line and make the line read:
(note, if you have updates-testing enabled, you should disable it during this test)
Save the file and initiate an update with PackageKit (System -> Administration -> Update System)
This should show you 5 or so updates: fedora-release PackageKit-* unique gnome-packagekit
Once these updates are installed, you'll have a new set of .repo files, fedora-updates(-testing)-newkey.repo. These repo files will be pointing you to mirror manager to find mirrors that have all the newly resigned updates as well as some new updates you haven't seen before. PackageKit should automatically notice these updates a few minutes after installing the previously mentioned 5 or so updates, and prompt you to install the rest of them.
This is where things get dicey. Once PackageKit downloads all your updates, you'll be prompted to import a new key (see https://fedoraproject.org/keys for currently used keys). After clicking yes to import the key (after you verified it) the PackageKit dialog will disappear while it does the import, and it should come back, or at least the panel icon will come back to indicate that it is trying once again to install your updates. The update installation /should/ succeed, that's what we're looking for.
You can monitor all of this activity with 'pkmon' on the terminal, which is a good idea because if it fails for you in some way, the output from pkmon during the failure will be important to resolving the issue.
Please keep good notes if you experience failures and capture screenshots.
Known problems resemble something like http://togami.com/~warren/temp/policykit-error.png or https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=461553
Thanks everybody for the testing!
On Tuesday 09 September 2008 18:29:33 Jesse Keating wrote:
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
In particular we're looking for users of PackageKit on Fedora 9 to test this, as our yum and pirut results have been pretty rock solid.
To test, you will need to modify your fedora-updates.repo file in the [updates] section, comment out the mirrorlist url, uncomment the baseurl line and make the line read:
baseurl=http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/mash/updates/f$releasever-updates .jktest/$basearch/
(note, if you have updates-testing enabled, you should disable it during this test)
Save the file and initiate an update with PackageKit (System -> Administration -> Update System)
This should show you 5 or so updates: fedora-release PackageKit-* unique gnome-packagekit
Once these updates are installed, you'll have a new set of .repo files, fedora-updates(-testing)-newkey.repo. These repo files will be pointing you to mirror manager to find mirrors that have all the newly resigned updates as well as some new updates you haven't seen before. PackageKit should automatically notice these updates a few minutes after installing the previously mentioned 5 or so updates, and prompt you to install the rest of them.
This is where things get dicey. Once PackageKit downloads all your updates, you'll be prompted to import a new key (see https://fedoraproject.org/keys for currently used keys). After clicking yes to import the key (after you verified it) the PackageKit dialog will disappear while it does the import, and it should come back, or at least the panel icon will come back to indicate that it is trying once again to install your updates. The update installation /should/ succeed, that's what we're looking for.
You can monitor all of this activity with 'pkmon' on the terminal, which is a good idea because if it fails for you in some way, the output from pkmon during the failure will be important to resolving the issue.
Please keep good notes if you experience failures and capture screenshots.
Known problems resemble something like http://togami.com/~warren/temp/policykit-error.png or https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=461553
Thanks everybody for the testing!
Imported the key OK and began the update. Then got a file conflict error
Test Transaction Errors: file /usr/share/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/kcmlilo.mo from install of kde-i18n-Arabic-3.5.9-8.fc9.noarch conflicts with file from package kde-l10n-Arabic-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch
pkmon output Tasks: /13_aabebada_data update-system:wait Tasks: /13_aabebada_data update-system:running Tasks: /13_aabebada_data update-system:dep-resolve Tasks: /13_aabebada_data update-system:download Tasks: /13_aabebada_data update-system:sig-check locked Tasks: /13_aabebada_data update-system:test-commit Tasks: /13_aabebada_data update-system:finished unlocked Tasks: [none]...
Tony Molloy <tony.molloy <at> ul.ie> writes:
Test Transaction Errors: file /usr/share/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/kcmlilo.mo from install of kde-i18n-Arabic-3.5.9-8.fc9.noarch conflicts with file from package kde-l10n-Arabic-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch
Ouch, that's a "fun" problem... It's a KDE issue, unrelated to the newkey procedure. The problem is that kde-i18n and kde-l10n have to be updated together. However, there's no kde-l10n-Arabic released with 4.1 anymore and thus you only get the kde-i18n update and boom! This also affects: kde-l10n-Arabic-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Basque-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Belarusian-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Farsi-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Frisian-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Icelandic-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Kazakh-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Nepali-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-NorthernSami-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm
I'm not sure what the best solution is. If you don't really need kde-l10n-Arabic, you can remove it of course, but if you need it, I don't have a good solution because this is simply not available anymore in KDE 4.1.0 and 4.1.1 (because the translation team wasn't able to update the translation in time).
Kevin Kofler
On Wednesday 10 September 2008 06:59:03 Kevin Kofler wrote:
Tony Molloy <tony.molloy <at> ul.ie> writes:
Test Transaction Errors: file /usr/share/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/kcmlilo.mo from install of kde-i18n-Arabic-3.5.9-8.fc9.noarch conflicts with file from package kde-l10n-Arabic-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch
Ouch, that's a "fun" problem... It's a KDE issue, unrelated to the newkey procedure. The problem is that kde-i18n and kde-l10n have to be updated together. However, there's no kde-l10n-Arabic released with 4.1 anymore and thus you only get the kde-i18n update and boom! This also affects: kde-l10n-Arabic-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Basque-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Belarusian-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Farsi-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Frisian-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Icelandic-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Kazakh-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Nepali-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-NorthernSami-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm
I'm not sure what the best solution is. If you don't really need kde-l10n-Arabic, you can remove it of course, but if you need it, I don't have a good solution because this is simply not available anymore in KDE 4.1.0 and 4.1.1 (because the translation team wasn't able to update the translation in time).
Kevin Kofler
That's fine I can remove all the kde-l10n rpms.
On 10/09/2008, Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler@chello.at wrote:
Ouch, that's a "fun" problem... It's a KDE issue, unrelated to the newkey procedure. The problem is that kde-i18n and kde-l10n have to be updated together. However, there's no kde-l10n-Arabic released with 4.1 anymore and thus you only get the kde-i18n update and boom! This also affects:
Could the relevant kdelibs or something else conflict with these temporarily (with version < 4.1)?
kde-l10n-Arabic-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Basque-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Belarusian-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Farsi-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Frisian-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Icelandic-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Kazakh-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-Nepali-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm kde-l10n-NorthernSami-4.0.5-1.fc9.noarch.rpm
I'm not sure what the best solution is. If you don't really need kde-l10n-Arabic, you can remove it of course, but if you need it, I don't have a good solution because this is simply not available anymore in KDE 4.1.0 and 4.1.1 (because the translation team wasn't able to update the translation in time).
Or, sillier option but more straightforward: provide a nearly-empty update (just the directories and no files, perhaps, or at a pinch edit to remove obviously out-of-date translations?)
Kevin Kofler
-- fedora-test-list mailing list fedora-test-list@redhat.com To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-test-list
On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 12:11 +0100, Bill Crawford wrote:
Could the relevant kdelibs or something else conflict with these temporarily (with version < 4.1)?
You want Obsolete, not conflict, or else the transaction is just going ot error for the user again.
On 10/09/2008, Jesse Keating jkeating@redhat.com wrote:
On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 12:11 +0100, Bill Crawford wrote:
Could the relevant kdelibs or something else conflict with these temporarily (with version < 4.1)?
You want Obsolete, not conflict, or else the transaction is just going ot error for the user again.
True. Oops.
An "empty" update package would avoid that, *and* would mean that a new l10n package would be pulled in automatically as an update when it's available.
-- Jesse Keating Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature! identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating
yum-priorities brokes the plan, right? goin' to disable it for now, since i have only two updates after switching repos ....
2008/9/10 Bill Crawford billcrawford1970@gmail.com
On 10/09/2008, Jesse Keating jkeating@redhat.com wrote:
On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 12:11 +0100, Bill Crawford wrote:
Could the relevant kdelibs or something else conflict with these temporarily (with version < 4.1)?
You want Obsolete, not conflict, or else the transaction is just going ot error for the user again.
True. Oops.
An "empty" update package would avoid that, *and* would mean that a new l10n package would be pulled in automatically as an update when it's available.
-- Jesse Keating Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature! identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating
-- fedora-test-list mailing list fedora-test-list@redhat.com To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-test-list
2008/9/10 cornel panceac cpanceac@gmail.com
yum-priorities brokes the plan, right? goin' to disable it for now, since i have only two updates after switching repos ....
ok, after adding priority line to the newkey repo, updates are coming in.
2008/9/10 Bill Crawford billcrawford1970@gmail.com
On 10/09/2008, Jesse Keating jkeating@redhat.com wrote:
On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 12:11 +0100, Bill Crawford wrote:
Could the relevant kdelibs or something else conflict with these temporarily (with version < 4.1)?
You want Obsolete, not conflict, or else the transaction is just going ot error for the user again.
True. Oops.
An "empty" update package would avoid that, *and* would mean that a new l10n package would be pulled in automatically as an update when it's available.
-- Jesse Keating Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature! identi.ca: http://identi.ca/jkeating
-- fedora-test-list mailing list fedora-test-list@redhat.com To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-test-list
-- Linux counter #213090
64bit dual core intel system successful installation
calhost ~]# pkmon [root@localhost ~]# pkmon Tasks: [none]... Tasks: /7_baccaacc_data update-system:wait Tasks: /7_baccaacc_data update-system:running Tasks: /7_baccaacc_data update-system:dep-resolve Tasks: /7_baccaacc_data update-system:download Tasks: /7_baccaacc_data update-system:sig-check locked Tasks: /7_baccaacc_data update-system:finished unlocked Tasks: [none]... Tasks: /8_acaaadce_data install-signature:wait phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /8_acaaadce_data install-signature:running phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /8_acaaadce_data install-signature:info phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /8_acaaadce_data install-signature:download-repository phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey locked Tasks: /8_acaaadce_data install-signature:finished phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey unlocked Tasks: [none]... Tasks: /9_aaccccba_data install-signature:wait phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /9_aaccccba_data install-signature:running phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey Tasks: /9_aaccccba_data install-signature:info phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey locked Tasks: /9_aaccccba_data install-signature:finished phonon;4.2.0-4.fc9;x86_64;updates-newkey unlocked Tasks: [none]... Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:wait Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:running Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:dep-resolve Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:download Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:sig-check locked Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:test-commit Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:install Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:update Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:cleanup Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:remove Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:cleanup Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:remove Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:cleanup Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:remove Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:cleanup Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:remove Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:cleanup Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:remove Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:cleanup Tasks: /10_ebbbccaa_data update-system:finished unlocked Tasks: [none]... updates-changed updates-changed
--- On Tue, 9/9/08, Jesse Keating jkeating@redhat.com wrote: From: Jesse Keating jkeating@redhat.com Subject: Need help testing updates transition for 8 and 9 To: fedora-test-list@redhat.com Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2008, 1:29 PM
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
In particular we're looking for users of PackageKit on Fedora 9 to test this, as our yum and pirut results have been pretty rock solid.
To test, you will need to modify your fedora-updates.repo file in the [updates] section, comment out the mirrorlist url, uncomment the baseurl line and make the line read:
(note, if you have updates-testing enabled, you should disable it during this test)
Save the file and initiate an update with PackageKit (System -> Administration -> Update System)
This should show you 5 or so updates: fedora-release PackageKit-* unique gnome-packagekit
Once these updates are installed, you'll have a new set of .repo files, fedora-updates(-testing)-newkey.repo. These repo files will be pointing you to mirror manager to find mirrors that have all the newly resigned updates as well as some new updates you haven't seen before. PackageKit should automatically notice these updates a few minutes after installing the previously mentioned 5 or so updates, and prompt you to install the rest of them.
This is where things get dicey. Once PackageKit downloads all your updates, you'll be prompted to import a new key (see https://fedoraproject.org/keys for currently used keys). After clicking yes to import the key (after you verified it) the PackageKit dialog will disappear while it does the import, and it should come back, or at least the panel icon will come back to indicate that it is trying once again to install your updates. The update installation /should/ succeed, that's what we're looking for.
You can monitor all of this activity with 'pkmon' on the terminal, which is a good idea because if it fails for you in some way, the output from pkmon during the failure will be important to resolving the issue.
Please keep good notes if you experience failures and capture screenshots.
Known problems resemble something like http://togami.com/~warren/temp/policykit-error.png or https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=461553
Thanks everybody for the testing!
Jesse Keating wrote:
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
In particular we're looking for users of PackageKit on Fedora 9 to test this, as our yum and pirut results have been pretty rock solid.
To test, you will need to modify your fedora-updates.repo file in the [updates] section, comment out the mirrorlist url, uncomment the baseurl line and make the line read:
(note, if you have updates-testing enabled, you should disable it during this test)
Save the file and initiate an update with PackageKit (System -> Administration -> Update System)
This should show you 5 or so updates: fedora-release PackageKit-* unique gnome-packagekit
Once these updates are installed, you'll have a new set of .repo files, fedora-updates(-testing)-newkey.repo. These repo files will be pointing you to mirror manager to find mirrors that have all the newly resigned updates as well as some new updates you haven't seen before. PackageKit should automatically notice these updates a few minutes after installing the previously mentioned 5 or so updates, and prompt you to install the rest of them.
Works fine.
On Tuesday 09 September 2008 18:29:33 Jesse Keating wrote:
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
In particular we're looking for users of PackageKit on Fedora 9 to test this, as our yum and pirut results have been pretty rock solid.
To test, you will need to modify your fedora-updates.repo file in the [updates] section, comment out the mirrorlist url, uncomment the baseurl line and make the line read:
baseurl=http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/mash/updates/f$releasever-updates .jktest/$basearch/
(note, if you have updates-testing enabled, you should disable it during this test)
Save the file and initiate an update with PackageKit (System -> Administration -> Update System)
This should show you 5 or so updates: fedora-release PackageKit-* unique gnome-packagekit
Once these updates are installed, you'll have a new set of .repo files, fedora-updates(-testing)-newkey.repo. These repo files will be pointing you to mirror manager to find mirrors that have all the newly resigned updates as well as some new updates you haven't seen before. PackageKit should automatically notice these updates a few minutes after installing the previously mentioned 5 or so updates, and prompt you to install the rest of them.
This is where things get dicey. Once PackageKit downloads all your updates, you'll be prompted to import a new key (see https://fedoraproject.org/keys for currently used keys). After clicking yes to import the key (after you verified it) the PackageKit dialog will disappear while it does the import, and it should come back, or at least the panel icon will come back to indicate that it is trying once again to install your updates. The update installation /should/ succeed, that's what we're looking for.
You can monitor all of this activity with 'pkmon' on the terminal, which is a good idea because if it fails for you in some way, the output from pkmon during the failure will be important to resolving the issue.
Please keep good notes if you experience failures and capture screenshots.
Known problems resemble something like http://togami.com/~warren/temp/policykit-error.png or https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=461553
Thanks everybody for the testing!
I've sucessfully updated a desktop running Fedora-9 using yum and my local mirror. I edited the new repo files to point to my local mirror.
The only problem I had was that I had to remove the kde-l10n packages before the update as I was getting file conflicts ( for the Arabic package at least and possibly some more )
I also had a problem updating yum, a dependancy problem but that was just because my upstream mirror hadn't fully synced yes.
Now to upgrade all 250 others ;-(
Thanks for all the hard work ;-)
every thing worked well.
Tasks: /10_cbaddbda_data update-package:download amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey Tasks: /10_cbaddbda_data update-package:sig-check amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey locked Tasks: /10_cbaddbda_data update-package:finished amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey unlocked Tasks: [none]... Tasks: /11_cecabbdd_data refresh-cache:wait Tasks: /11_cecabbdd_data refresh-cache:running Tasks: /11_cecabbdd_data refresh-cache:refresh-cache Tasks: /11_cecabbdd_data refresh-cache:download-repository Tasks: /11_cecabbdd_data refresh-cache:download-filelist Tasks: /11_cecabbdd_data refresh-cache:download-repository Tasks: /11_cecabbdd_data refresh-cache:download-filelist Tasks: /11_cecabbdd_data refresh-cache:download-filelist /12_ebceaaab_data install-signature:wait amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey Tasks: /11_cecabbdd_data refresh-cache:download-repository /12_ebceaaab_data install-signature:wait amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey Tasks: /11_cecabbdd_data refresh-cache:download-filelist /12_ebceaaab_data install-signature:wait amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey Tasks: /11_cecabbdd_data refresh-cache:download-group /12_ebceaaab_data install-signature:wait amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey locked Tasks: /11_cecabbdd_data refresh-cache:finished /12_ebceaaab_data install-signature:wait amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey unlocked Tasks: /12_ebceaaab_data install-signature:wait amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey Tasks: /12_ebceaaab_data install-signature:wait amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey /13_edbeaadc_data get-updates:wait updates-changed Tasks: /12_ebceaaab_data install-signature:running amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey /13_edbeaadc_data get-updates:wait Tasks: /12_ebceaaab_data install-signature:info amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey /13_edbeaadc_data get-updates:wait locked Tasks: /12_ebceaaab_data install-signature:finished amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey /13_edbeaadc_data get-updates:wait unlocked Tasks: /13_edbeaadc_data get-updates:wait Tasks: /13_edbeaadc_data get-updates:wait /14_ceccadbe_data update-package:wait amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey Tasks: /13_edbeaadc_data get-updates:running /14_ceccadbe_data update-package:wait amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey Tasks: /13_edbeaadc_data get-updates:info /14_ceccadbe_data update-package:wait amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey locked Tasks: /13_edbeaadc_data get-updates:finished /14_ceccadbe_data update-package:wait amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey unlocked Tasks: /14_ceccadbe_data update-package:wait amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey locked Tasks: /14_ceccadbe_data update-package:running amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey Tasks: /14_ceccadbe_data update-package:dep-resolve amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey unlocked Tasks: /14_ceccadbe_data update-package:download amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey Tasks: /14_ceccadbe_data update-package:sig-check amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey locked Tasks: /14_ceccadbe_data update-package:test-commit amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey Tasks: /14_ceccadbe_data update-package:update amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey Tasks: /14_ceccadbe_data update-package:cleanup amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey Tasks: /14_ceccadbe_data update-package:finished amarok;1.4.10-1.fc9;i386;updates-newkey unlocked Tasks: [none]... updates-changed Tasks: /15_aeeaeddc_data get-updates:wait Tasks: /15_aeeaeddc_data get-updates:running Tasks: /15_aeeaeddc_data get-updates:info updates-changed locked Tasks: /15_aeeaeddc_data get-updates:finished unlocked Tasks: [none]...
Performed flawlessly in two different boxes A) fc9.x86_64 in Asus P5K Deluxe, Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4MGz, 2MB B) fc9.i386 in Asus P4C-800E, Intel P4 @ 3.2 GHz, 2MB.
----- Original Message ----- From: Jesse Keating jkeating@redhat.com To: fedora-test-list@redhat.com Sent: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 13:29:33 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Need help testing updates transition for 8 and 9
We're quite close to releasing the transition fedora-release package to bring users of Fedora 8 and Fedora 9 to the new updates location with the new key. However we're seeing some mixed results in our limited testing and thus we'd like to open it for a wider testing audience.
In particular we're looking for users of PackageKit on Fedora 9 to test this, as our yum and pirut results have been pretty rock solid.
To test, you will need to modify your fedora-updates.repo file in the [updates] section, comment out the mirrorlist url, uncomment the baseurl line and make the line read:
(note, if you have updates-testing enabled, you should disable it during this test)
Save the file and initiate an update with PackageKit (System -> Administration -> Update System)
This should show you 5 or so updates: fedora-release PackageKit-* unique gnome-packagekit
Once these updates are installed, you'll have a new set of .repo files, fedora-updates(-testing)-newkey.repo. These repo files will be pointing you to mirror manager to find mirrors that have all the newly resigned updates as well as some new updates you haven't seen before. PackageKit should automatically notice these updates a few minutes after installing the previously mentioned 5 or so updates, and prompt you to install the rest of them.
This is where things get dicey. Once PackageKit downloads all your updates, you'll be prompted to import a new key (see https://fedoraproject.org/keys for currently used keys). After clicking yes to import the key (after you verified it) the PackageKit dialog will disappear while it does the import, and it should come back, or at least the panel icon will come back to indicate that it is trying once again to install your updates. The update installation /should/ succeed, that's what we're looking for.
You can monitor all of this activity with 'pkmon' on the terminal, which is a good idea because if it fails for you in some way, the output from pkmon during the failure will be important to resolving the issue.
Please keep good notes if you experience failures and capture screenshots.
Known problems resemble something like http://togami.com/~warren/temp/policykit-error.png or https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=461553
Thanks everybody for the testing!
Worked the first time and partially to the second. Do I have to revert the repo file to previous settings? F9 64bit dual intel w 4 gig memory.
Yum is now also broken.
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'> Error Value: invalid syntax (filter-data.py, line 111) File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/refresh-cache.py , line 17, in <module> backend = PackageKitYumBackend(sys.argv[1:]) File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/yumBackend.py , line 242, in __init__ self._setup_yum() File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/yumBackend.py , line 1555, in _setup_yum self.yumbase.doConfigSetup(errorlevel=0,debuglevel=0) # Setup Yum Config File : /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/yum/__init__.py , line 139, in doConfigSetup errorlevel=errorlevel) File : /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/yum/__init__.py , line 189, in _getConfig startupconf.pluginconfpath,disabled_plugins,enabled_plugins) File : /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/yum/__init__.py , line 355, in doPluginSetup plugin_types, confpath, disabled_plugins, enabled_plugins) File : /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/yum/plugins.py , line 152, in __init__ self._importplugins(types) File : /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/yum/plugins.py , line 195, in _importplugins self._loadplugin(modulefile, types) File : /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/yum/plugins.py , line 251, in _loadplugin module = imp.load_module(modname, fp, pathname, description)
On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 17:05 -0700, Leslie Satenstein wrote:
Worked the first time and partially to the second. Do I have to revert the repo file to previous settings? F9 64bit dual intel w 4 gig memory.
Yum is now also broken.
yum-filter-data, the plugin, left out a :. It's been reported. It has been fixed. You can disable and/or remove the plugin to work around the problem until an updated plugin has been released.
As of the fedora-release today, I see that two of my F9 systems worked fine and transitioned properly from the old keys to the newkey. On the first one I used GNOME and PK. On the second one I used the yum method, excluding 'yum' and 'yum-utils' as noted in the Known Issues section of the wiki.
If have one comment however. On both cases, the full fingerprint of the key wasn't displayed for checking by the user. The PK dialog that prompts the user to import the new key doesn't show the full fingerprint, and neither does yum iteself--I think this is an unfortunate omission for both PK and yum. The keyid alone isn't enough to verify the key with.
On a fresh F9 install (bare minimum, no GNOME, no X) the first yum update tracebacked, but still the update apparently completed ok and the next yum update used the newkey repos:
# yum update Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit fedora | 2.4 kB 00:00 primary.sqlite.bz2 | 7.6 MB 00:00 updates | 2.6 00:00 primary.sqlite.bz2 | 11 kB 00:00 Setting up Update Process Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package PackageKit-libs.x86_64 0:0.2.5-1.fc9 set to be updated ---> Package PackageKit.x86_64 0:0.2.5-1.fc9 set to be updated ---> Package yum-packagekit.x86_64 0:0.2.5-1.fc9 set to be updated ---> Package gnome-packagekit.x86_64 0:0.2.5-2.fc9 set to be updated --> Processing Dependency: unique >= 0.9.4 for package: gnome-packagekit --> Processing Dependency: libunique-1.0.so.0()(64bit) for package: gnome-packagekit ---> Package fedora-release.noarch 0:9-5.transition set to be updated --> Running transaction check ---> Package unique.x86_64 0:0.9.4-5.fc9 set to be updated --> Finished Dependency Resolution Dependencies Resolved ---> Package PackageKit.x86_64 0:0.2.5-1.fc9 set to be updated ---> Package yum-packagekit.x86_64 0:0.2.5-1.fc9 set to be updated ---> Package gnome-packagekit.x86_64 0:0.2.5-2.fc9 set to be updated --> Processing Dependency: unique >= 0.9.4 for package: gnome-packagekit --> Processing Dependency: libunique-1.0.so.0()(64bit) for package: gnome-packagekit ---> Package fedora-release.noarch 0:9-5.transition set to be updated --> Running transaction check ---> Package unique.x86_64 0:0.9.4-5.fc9 set to be updated --> Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved
============================================================================= Package Arch Version Repository Size ============================================================================= Updating: PackageKit x86_64 0.2.5-1.fc9 updates 566 k PackageKit-libs x86_64 0.2.5-1.fc9 updates 110 k fedora-release noarch 9-5.transition updates 34 k gnome-packagekit x86_64 0.2.5-2.fc9 updates 1.1 M yum-packagekit x86_64 0.2.5-1.fc9 updates 11 k Installing for dependencies: unique x86_64 0.9.4-5.fc9 updates 33 k
============================================================================= Package Arch Version Repository Size ============================================================================= Updating: PackageKit x86_64 0.2.5-1.fc9 updates 566 k PackageKit-libs x86_64 0.2.5-1.fc9 updates 110 k fedora-release noarch 9-5.transition updates 34 k gnome-packagekit x86_64 0.2.5-2.fc9 updates 1.1 M yum-packagekit x86_64 0.2.5-1.fc9 11 k Installing for dependencies: unique x86_64 0.9.4-5.fc9 updates 33 k
Transaction Summary ============================================================================= Install 1 Package(s) Update 5 Package(s) Remove 0 Package(s)
Total download size: 1.8 M Is this ok [y/N]: y Downloading Packages: (1/6): PackageKit-libs-0.2.5-1.fc9.x86_64.rpm | 110 kB 00:00 (2/6): gnome-packagekit-0.2.5-2.fc9.x86_64.rpm | 1.1 MB 00:00 (3/6): fedora-release-9-5.transition.noarch.rpm | 34 kB 00:00 (4/6): yum-packagekit-0.2.5-1.fc9.x86_64.rpm | 11 kB 00:00 (5/6): PackageKit-0.2.5-1.fc9.x86_64.rpm | 566 kB 00:00 (6/6): unique-0.9.4-5.fc9.x86_64.rpm | 33 kB 00:00 Running rpm_check_debug Running Transaction Test Finished Transaction Test Transaction Test Succeeded Running Transaction Installing: unique ####################### [ 1/11] Updating : fedora-release ####################### [ 2/11] Updating : PackageKit-libs ####################### [ 3/11] Updating : PackageKit ####################### [ 4/11] Updating : yum-packagekit ####################### [ 5/11] Updating : gnome-packagekit ####################### [ 6/11] Cleanup : PackageKit ####################### [ 7/11] Cleanup : yum-packagekit ####################### [ 8/11] Cleanup : fedora-release ####################### [ 9/11] Cleanup : gnome-packagekit ####################### [10/11] Cleanup : PackageKit-libs ####################### [11/11] ERROR:dbus.connection:Unable to set arguments () according to signature u's': <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: More items found in D-Bus signature than in Python arguments Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/yum", line 29, in <module> yummain.user_main(sys.argv[1:], exit_code=True) File "/usr/share/yum-cli/yummain.py", line 241, in user_main errcode = main(args) File "/usr/share/yum-cli/yummain.py", line 193, in main base.doTransaction() File "/usr/share/yum-cli/cli.py", line 432, in doTransaction self.runTransaction(cb=cb) File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/yum/__init__.py", line 790, in runTransaction self.plugins.run('posttrans') File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/yum/plugins.py", line 175, in run func(conduitcls(self, self.base, conf, **kwargs)) File "/usr/lib/yum-plugins/refresh-packagekit.py", line 37, in posttrans_hook packagekit_iface.StateHasChanged('posttrans') File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dbus/proxies.py", line 68, in __call__ return self._proxy_method(*args, **keywords) File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dbus/proxies.py", line 140, in __call__ **keywords) File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dbus/connection.py", line 597, in call_blocking message.append(signature=signature, *args) TypeError: More items found in D-Bus signature than in Python arguments
On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 17:11 -0400, Chuck Anderson wrote:
On a fresh F9 install (bare minimum, no GNOME, no X) the first yum update tracebacked, but still the update apparently completed ok and the next yum update used the newkey repos:
yah - the traceback is from the refresh-packagekit plugin.
The next time it'll be just fine. the bug was fixed a while ago.
Everything seems to have worked just fine for me, except I didn't get an update for unique.
# grep unique /var/log/yum.log Sep 01 23:20:23 Installed: unique-0.9.4-5.fc9.i386