The following Fedora 24 Security updates need testing: Age URL 210 squid-3.5.23-1.fc24 203 exim-4.87.1-1.fc24 166 runc-1.0.0-5.rc2.gitc91b5be.fc24 102 python-XStatic-jquery-ui- 41 libstaroffice-0.0.3-3.fc24 41 nodejs-brace-expansion-1.1.7-1.fc24 32 libmwaw-0.3.11-3.fc24 21 webkitgtk4-2.16.5-1.fc24 21 irssi-1.0.3-1.fc24 7 knot-2.4.5-1.fc24 7 qt5-qtwebkit-5.212.0-0.5.alpha2.fc24 7 groovy18-1.8.9-28.fc24 7 knot-resolver-1.3.1-1.fc24 6 spice-0.12.8-3.fc24 5 evince-3.20.1-3.fc24 4 mingw-poppler-0.41.0-3.fc24 3 nodejs-4.8.4-6.fc24 3 phpldapadmin-1.2.3-10.fc24 2 minicom-2.7.1-1.fc24 2 yara-3.6.3-1.fc24 1 perl-XML-LibXML-2.0128-2.fc24 0 qt5-qtwebengine-5.6.3-0.1.20170712gitee719ad313e564.fc24 0 kernel-4.11.11-100.fc24
The following Fedora 24 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved: Age URL 21 webkitgtk4-2.16.5-1.fc24 19 thunderbird-52.2.1-1.fc24 6 mariadb-10.1.25-1.fc24 4 net-snmp-5.7.3-14.fc24 1 perl-5.22.4-372.fc24 0 kernel-4.11.11-100.fc24
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 24 updates-testing
R-Rcpp-0.12.12-1.fc24 arprec-2.2.19-1.fc24 chromium-59.0.3071.115-2.fc24 clamav-0.99.2-9.fc24 kernel-4.11.11-100.fc24 php-aws-sdk3-3.31.5-1.fc24 python-adal-0.4.6-1.fc24 qpid-dispatch-0.8.0-1.fc24 qt5-qtwebengine-5.6.3-0.1.20170712gitee719ad313e564.fc24 rpkg-client-0.6-1.fc24
Details about builds:
================================================================================ R-Rcpp-0.12.12-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2017-5b3588117f) Seamless R and C++ Integration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
New release 0.12.12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1471609 - Please update to 0.12.12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ arprec-2.2.19-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2017-597af003db) Software package for performing arbitrary precision arithmetic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
* New upstream release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1472013 - arprec-2.2.19 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ chromium-59.0.3071.115-2.fc24 (FEDORA-2017-a27d7c2fa2) A WebKit (Blink) powered web browser -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to 59.0.3071.115 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ clamav-0.99.2-9.fc24 (FEDORA-2017-1fdc903d3c) End-user tools for the Clam Antivirus scanner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
fix FTBFS in F26 and many updates --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ kernel-4.11.11-100.fc24 (FEDORA-2017-b4df78b4b2) The Linux kernel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
The 4.11.11 update contains a number of important fixes across the tree. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1470659 - CVE-2017-11176 kernel: Use-after-free in sys_mq_notify() --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-aws-sdk3-3.31.5-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2017-e455600a59) Amazon Web Services framework for PHP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
## 3.31.5 - 2017-07-14 * `Aws\ApplicationDiscoveryService` - Adding feature to the Export API for Discovery Service to allow filters for the export task to allow export based on per agent id. * `Aws\EC2` - New EC2 GPU Graphics instance * `Aws\MarketplaceCommerceAnalytics` - Update to Documentation Model For New Report Cadence / Reformat of Docs ## 3.31.4 - 2017-07-13 * `Aws\APIGateway` - Adds support for management of gateway responses. * `Aws\EC2` - X-ENI (or Cross- Account ENI) is a new feature that allows the attachment or association of Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI) between VPCs in different AWS accounts located in the same availability zone. With this new capability, service providers and partners can deliver managed solutions in a variety of new architectural patterns where the provider and consumer of the service are in different AWS accounts. * `Aws\LexModelBuildingService` - Fixed broken links to reference and conceptual content. ## 3.31.3 - 2017-07-12 * `Aws\AutoScaling` - Auto Scaling now supports a new type of scaling policy called target tracking scaling policies that you can use to set up dynamic scaling for your application. * `Aws\S3` - Fixes an issue introduced in 3.31.0 that was not setting the ContentLength for all MultipartUploader::createPart streams, therefore potentially using an incorrect, $options['params'] value. * `Aws\SWF` - Added support for attaching control data to Lambda tasks. Control data lets you attach arbitrary strings to your decisions and history events. ## 3.31.2 - 2017-07-06 * `Aws\DirectoryService` - You can now improve the resilience and performance of your Microsoft AD directory by deploying additional domain controllers. Added UpdateNumberofDomainControllers API that allows you to update the number of domain controllers you want for your directory, and DescribeDomainControllers API that allows you to describe the detailed information of each domain controller of your directory. Also added the 'DesiredNumberOfDomainControllers' field to the DescribeDirectories API output for Microsoft AD. * `Aws\Ecs` - ECS/ECR now available in BJS * `Aws\KMS` - This release of AWS Key Management Service introduces the ability to determine whether a key is AWS managed or customer managed. * `Aws\Kinesis` - You can now encrypt your data at rest within an Amazon Kinesis Stream using server-side encryption. Server-side encryption via AWS KMS makes it easy for customers to meet strict data management requirements by encrypting their data at rest within the Amazon Kinesis Streams, a fully managed real-time data processing service. * `Aws\SSM` - Amazon EC2 Systems Manager now expands Patching support to Amazon Linux, Red Hat and Ubuntu in addition to the already supported Windows Server. ## 3.31.1 - 2017-07-05 * `Aws\CloudWatch` - We are excited to announce the availability of APIs and CloudFormation support for CloudWatch Dashboards. You can use the new dashboard APIs or CloudFormation templates to dynamically build and maintain dashboards to monitor your infrastructure and applications. There are four new dashboard APIs - PutDashboard, GetDashboard, DeleteDashboards, and ListDashboards APIs. PutDashboard is used to create a new dashboard or modify an existing one whereas GetDashboard is the API to get the details of a specific dashboard. ListDashboards and DeleteDashboards are used to get the names or delete multiple dashboards respectively. Getting started with dashboard APIs is similar to any other AWS APIs. The APIs can be accessed through AWS SDK or through CLI tools. * `Aws\Route53` - Bug fix for InvalidChangeBatch exception. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1468058 - php-aws-sdk3-3.31.5 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ python-adal-0.4.6-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2017-f3d80fc426) ADAL for Python -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
* Enhancement: Add one more trusted authority host ([#77]( python/issues/77), [#78]( library-for-python/issues/78)) * Enhancement: Bubble up the server response. ([#85]( python/issues/85), [#88]( library-for-python/issues/88)) * Bugfix: Should not attempt to refresh a token when RT is unavailable ([#82]( library-for-python/issues/82), [#87]( activedirectory-library-for-python/issues/87)) * Bugfix: Now we force utf-8 decoding so that package builders would be able to pack ADAL Python regardless of their locale. The ADAL Python library users will NOT be affected by this change. ([#89]( python/issues/89), [#91]( library-for-python/issues/91)) * Other sample code and readme file adjustments ([#76]( python/issues/76), [#73]( library-for-python/issues/73), [#84]( activedirectory-library-for-python/issues/84), [#92]( /azure-activedirectory-library-for-python/issues/92), [#95]( python/issues/95), [#97]( library-for-python/issues/97), [#98]( activedirectory-library-for-python/issues/98)) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ qpid-dispatch-0.8.0-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2017-0998c9b095) Dispatch router for Qpid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Rebased to 0.8.0. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ qt5-qtwebengine-5.6.3-0.1.20170712gitee719ad313e564.fc24 (FEDORA-2017-98bed96d12) Qt5 - QtWebEngine components -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
This update updates QtWebEngine to a snapshot from the Qt 5.6 LTS (long-term support) branch. This is a snapshot of the QtWebEngine that will be included in the bugfix and security release Qt 5.6.3, but only the QtWebEngine component is included in this update. The update fixes the following security issues in QtWebEngine 5.6.2: CVE-2016-5133, CVE-2016-5147, CVE-2016-5153, CVE-2016-5155, CVE-2016-5161, CVE-2016-5166, CVE-2016-5170, CVE-2016-5171, CVE-2016-5172, CVE-2016-5181, CVE-2016-5185, CVE-2016-5186, CVE-2016-5187, CVE-2016-5188, CVE-2016-5192, CVE-2016-5198, CVE-2016-5205, CVE-2016-5207, CVE-2016-5208, CVE-2016-5214, CVE-2016-5215, CVE-2016-5221, CVE-2016-5222, CVE-2016-5224, CVE-2016-5225, CVE-2016-9650, CVE-2016-9651, CVE-2016-9652, CVE-2017-5006, CVE-2017-5007, CVE-2017-5008, CVE-2017-5009, CVE-2017-5010, CVE-2017-5012, CVE-2017-5015, CVE-2017-5016, CVE-2017-5017, CVE-2017-5019, CVE-2017-5023, CVE-2017-5024, CVE-2017-5025, CVE-2017-5026, CVE-2017-5027, CVE-2017-5029, CVE-2017-5033, CVE-2017-5037, CVE-2017-5044, CVE-2017-5046, CVE-2017-5047, CVE-2017-5048, CVE-2017-5049, CVE-2017-5050, CVE-2017-5051, CVE-2017-5059, CVE-2017-5061, CVE-2017-5062, CVE-2017-5065, CVE-2017-5067, CVE-2017-5069, CVE-2017-5070, CVE-2017-5071, CVE-2017-5075, CVE-2017-5076, CVE-2016-5078, CVE-2017-5083, and CVE-2017-5089. Other important changes include: * Based on Chromium 49.0.2623.111 (the version used in QtWebEngine 5.7.x) with security fixes from Chromium up to version 59.0.3071.104. (5.6.2 was based on Chromium 45.0.2554.101 with security fixes from Chromium up to version 52.0.2743.116.) * All other bug fixes from QtWebEngine 5.7.1 have been backported. See for details. (Please note that at the time of this writing, not all security backports are listed in that file yet. The list above is accurate.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ rpkg-client-0.6-1.fc24 (FEDORA-2017-6796b3ccfe) Package containing rpkg: DistGit command-line client -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
A dist-git command-line tool client. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1460917 - Review Request: rpkg - Command-line client tool to DistGit --------------------------------------------------------------------------------