Thank you Sherif to bring this on board ..

On 9/9/05, Maha Helwa <> wrote: oh my God.. fadahtena ya sherif.. i thought you will bring this on board when we have a prototype.. i should run ur code ghoniem right now and accelerate things from my side.. looool.. can't believe u do it

On 9/9/05, Sherif Abdelgawad < > wrote:
I thought of bringing this to a broader audience. I suggested to my team
(Arabic translation team) while ago to have some sort of web interface to
help non-technical ppl to contribute translation.

The idea was:

- Application that parse CVS po files
- Store the strings, headers, and translation into DB
- 3 interfaces:
   o Contributor - where an authenticated user can view untranslated and
fuzzy strings
                           and contribute translation from his browser.
   o Maintainer - Approve translation and merge new translation, QA, ..etc.
   o Admin      -  Populate DB with the PO files, generate PO files and
check them
                         back to CVS where it can be later sync'd to Fedora

Mohamed Ghoniem and Maha Helwa from the Arabic team volunteered to
a Java code. The work still going and we only got a parser for the PO files
but we
wish to have full featured java application in the near future.

To check the current first initial code:

This code takes care of all PO components. It handles strings correctly
in UTF-8 charset, it works fine with Arabic, and it should handle anyother
charset and/or all languages supported by java.

We thought to bring this to a broader audience and other teams as we think
this can be of a great help to all the translation effort. Also there maybe
other ideas that we can share.



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