Well..after sherif's email .. "تم أو تمت"  is not enough.. how would u distingwish between [sucess] and [passed]

On 8/15/05, Mohammad Ghoniem < Mohammad.Ghoniem@univ-ubs.fr> wrote:
السلام عليكم

تم or تمت is a good choice as far as I can tell. I would prefer the
masculin unless you have a good reason to do otherwise.

السلام عليكم


Maha Helwa wrote:

> Okay.. one word!!.. as i remember at the end of formal letters
> sometimes we write "تمت" right!!.. why don't we use it here..i.e. it's
> done or the end of loading the service :)).
> maybe am totally wrong.. lol
> Maha

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