Hi Ali,
Please find my comments below :)
On 12/19/06, Ali Ghareb <ali.gareb@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Eng.Munzir, Eng.Maha
all the steps are done according to this


I try anonymous login and it work and all po files downloaded
but can i resume anonymously??
Being anonymous just give u the right to view these files no more, but when it comes to checking in your changes.. you must have a permission to commit these changes.. So probably you might have problem with your SSH Keys.  Have you generate your DigitalID; the Keys?

and I mean can I commit the po files anonymously also

I test it and it say
        cvs [server aborted]: "commit" requires write access to the repository
You don't have the proper permission to do so.

is there is any other step after receiving activation mail from fedora-trans-list-owner@redhat.com ???
Just checking.. Have you went through these steps to generate your DigitalID?
sorry for all these questions, really its the first time of using CVS in translation!

thank you for replying
Don't be.. It's your right to ask a question.. We don't have any problem in this..
Anyway.. am going to download TortoiseCVS and see what we have :)