Robert's Antwort untenstehend...

Begin forwarded message:

From: Robbie Harwood <>
Date: August 14, 2017 at 20:42:17 GMT+2
To: Florian Heiser <>
Cc: "Fedora-Uebersetzungsprojekt \(Deutsch\)" <>, "GNOME in Germany \(German translations\)" <>
Subject: Re: DE translation review request for krb5

Florian Heiser <> writes:

is there a previously approved or reviewed version of the translation?
I am asking because it would then be possible to look at the new
strings only. Considering that the po file contains 1,850 strings, it
may take a while to review the entire translation.

Unfortunately there is not, since this is a whole new translation.
(It's also I believe the first non-English translation for krb5.)

I am CC'ing the German Fedora and the German Gnome mailing lists,
which may increases the number of contributors. Myself, I have skimmed
over the translation briefly and didn't not find a single translation
that I wouldn't agree to. Unfortunately, I am swamped with work and
won't find time to do a in depth review.

No worries, thanks for passing it along!

(My subscription to trans-de is still awaiting approval, so I don't
think this reply will make it there.)
