Hi everyone, my name is Eduardo Echeverria, I'm from Venezuela,


About me:
I'm a university professor, programmer, and father of two beautiful children.

I'm Graduate education majoring in computer science at the University of Carabobo,
Venezuela with 15 years of experience in IT management and application development, 10 years working for the diffusion of free software in my country,
teacher by profession and technologist by passion.

I belong to the Package Maintainers Group,  and to Fedora Ambassadors. Now, I want to contribute more closely with the Fedora Localization Project

- Location: Valencia, Venezuela
- Login: FAS echevemaster
- Language: Spanish

- GPG KEYID and fingerprint:

echevemaster@echevemaster ~$ gpg --fingerprint 0D4E4BA9
pub   2048R/261003F4 2012-09-03
      Huella de clave = 10BC 5FC7 4DE9 30EC CA8B  4463 03EF 43B1 2610 03F4
uid                  Eduardo Echeverria (echevemaster) <echevemaster@gmail.com>
sub   2048R/0D4E4BA9 2012-09-03

Eduardo Echeverrķa
Soluciones SAEF, C.A.