-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FUEL Computer Translation style and convention guide for Hindi (Beta)
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 13:26:21 +0530
From: Rajesh Ranjan <rajesh672@gmail.com>
Reply-To: fuel-discuss@lists.fedorahosted.org
To: fuel-discuss@lists.fedorahosted.org


As wrote earlier, now we have "Computer Translation style and convention guide for Hindi (Beta)" ready with us.

You can download from here:


From the very starting of localization of computer in Hindi language, we have felt the need of one style and convention guide, a guidelines which can be treated as a reference point for Hindi language community working for the localization. I have tried to collect and compile all the info and given all these information in form of a guide named "Computer Translation style and convention guide for Hindi." In this guide, several important aspect of localisation have been discussed. Fonts, Collations, Plural Forms, White spaces, Accelerators, Program Syntax, Functions, Tags, Placeholders, Message Length, Numerals, Calender, Honorific Usages, Acronyms, Product/Brand/Company Name, Keys Name, Abbreviations, Legal Statements, Terminology, Punctuations, Units and Measurements, General Spelling Guidelines, Anusvar and Chandravindu, Use of Nukta, Cardinals & Ordinals, Indeclinable, Hyphen, Glidal ie Shrutimulak 'ya' or 'wa', Basic Quality Parameters etc. are some of the areas tried to be covered in this guide.

This work has been uploaded at FUEL svn in both odt and pdf format. In free content zone, we have very less resources like this. So hopefully it will be very much useful for the broader Hindi community.

We will appreciate any suggestions related to this guide. Please send your remark on the mailing list itself. If you want to change in odt file please send to me off list by enable keeping the record/track change on.

Rajesh Ranjan

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 3:03 PM, Rajesh Ranjan <rajesh672@gmail.com> wrote:

From the very starting of localization of computer in Hindi language, we have felt the need of one style and convention guide, a guidelines which can be treated as a reference point for Hindi language community working for the localization. I have tried to collect and compile all the info and given all these in formations in form of a guide named "Computer Translation style and convention guide for Hindi." In a couple of days I will come more info on it. Before that I want to share some points that I highlighted in the guide. Fonts, Collations, Plural Forms, White spaces, Accelerators, Program Syntax, Functions, Tags, Placeholders, Message Length, Numerals, Calender, Honorific Usages, Acronyms, Product/Brand/Company Name, Keys Name, Abbreviations, Legal Statements, Terminology, Punctuations, Units and Measurements, General Spelling Guidelines, Anusvar and Chandravindu, Use of Nukta, Cardinals & Ordinals, Indeclinable, Hyphen, Glidal ie Shrutimulak 'ya' or 'wa', Basic Quality Parameters etc. are some of the area I