10개 보내드리는데 길다면 5개씩 끊어서 하셔도 되요 :)

# ========================================================
#: iscsi- iscsi-
The iscsi package provides the server daemon for the iSCSI protocol,\n
as well as the utility programs used to manage it. ISCSI is a protocol\n
for distributed disk access using SCSI commands sent over Internet\n
Protocol networks.

# ========================================================
#: isicom-1.0-5.i386.rpm:1005 isicom-1.0-5.src.rpm:1005
The isicom package contains the binary images and loader for\n
Multi-Tech Systems Intelligent Serial Interface(TM) (ISI) data\n
files. Multi-Tech ISI multiport serial cards provide additional serial\n
ports for remote access servers, multi-user hosts and PCs. The isicom\n
package contains the files needed to use an ISI card with a Linux\n

# ========================================================
#: itcl-3.2-49.i386.rpm:1005 tcltk-8.3.2-49.src.rpm:1005
Incr Tcl is an object-oriented extension of the Tcl language and was\n
created to support more structured programming in Tcl. Install itcl if\n
you are programming with Tcl, and you need the object-oriented\n
functionality that itcl can provide.

# ========================================================
#: jed-0.98.7-7.i386.rpm:1005 jed-0.98.7-7.src.rpm:1005
Jed is a fast, compact editor based on the S-lang screen library. Jed\n
features include emulation of the Emacs, EDT, WordStar and Brief\n
editors; support for extensive customization with slang macros,\n
colors, keybindings; and a variety of programming modes with syntax\n
highlighting. The xjed package contains a version of jed that will run\n
within the X Window System.

# ========================================================
#: jfsutils-1.0.17-1.i386.rpm:1005 jfsutils-1.0.17-1.src.rpm:1005
The jfsutils package contains a number of utilities for creating,\n
checking, modifying, and correcting any inconsistencies in JFS\n
filesystems.  The following utilities are available: fsck.jfs - initiate\n
replay of the JFS transaction log, and check and repair a JFS formatted\n
device; logdump - dump a JFS formatted device's journal log; logredo -\n
\"replay\" a JFS formatted device's journal log;  mkfs.jfs - create a JFS\n
formatted partition; xchkdmp - dump the contents of a JFS fsck log file\n
created with xchklog; xchklog - extract a log from the JFS fsck workspace\n
into a file;  xpeek - shell-type JFS file system editor.

# ========================================================
#: kdebase-3.0.0-0.cvs20020307.1.i386.rpm:1005
#: kdebase-3.0.0-0.cvs20020307.1.src.rpm:1005
Core applications for the K Desktop Environment.  Included are: kdm\n
(replacement for xdm), kwin (window manager), konqueror (filemanager,\n
web browser, ftp client, ...), konsole (xterm replacement), kpanel\n
(application starter and desktop pager), kaudio (audio server),\n
kdehelp (viewer for kde help files, info and man pages), kthememgr\n
(system for managing alternate theme packages) plus other KDE\n
components (kcheckpass, kikbd, kscreensaver, kcontrol, kfind,\n
kfontmanager, kmenuedi

# ========================================================
#: kdevelop-2.1-0.beta2.3.i386.rpm:1005 kdevelop-2.1-0.beta2.3.src.rpm:1005t).
The KDevelop Integrated Development Environment provides many features\n
that developers need as well as providing a unified interface to programs\n
like gdb, the C/C++ compiler, and make. KDevelop manages or provides:\n
All development tools needed for C++ programming like Compiler,\n
Linker, automake and autoconf; KAppWizard, which generates complete,\n
ready-to-go sample applications; Classgenerator, for creating new\n
classes and integrating them into the current project; File management\n
for sources, headers, documentation etc. to be included in the\n
project; The creation of User-Handbooks written with SGML and the\n
automatic generation of HTML-output with the KDE look and feel;\n
Automatic HTML-based API-documentation for your project's classes with\n
cross-references to the used libraries; Internationalization support\n
for your application, allowing translators to easily add their target\n
language to a project;\n
KDevelop also includes WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get)-creation\n
of user interfaces with a built-in dialog editor; Debugging your\n
application by integrating KDbg; Editing of project-specific pixmaps\n
with KIconEdit; The inclusion of any other program you need for\n
development by adding it to the \"Tools\"-menu according to your\n
individual needs.

# ========================================================
#: kernel-2.4.0-0.43.6.i386.rpm:1005 kernel-2.4.0-0.43.6.i586.rpm:1005
#: kernel-2.4.0-0.43.6.i686.rpm:1005 kernel24-2.4.0-0.43.6.src.rpm:1005
The kernel package contains the Linux kernel (vmlinuz), the core of\n
the Red Hat Linux operating system. The kernel handles the basic\n
functions of the operating system: memory allocation, process\n
allocation, device input and output, etc.

# ========================================================
#: kernel-BOOT-2.4.0-0.43.6.i386.rpm:1005 kernel24-2.4.0-0.43.6.src.rpm:1005
This package includes a trimmed down version of the Linux kernel.\n
This kernel is used on the installation boot disks only and should not\n
be used for an installed system, as many features in this kernel are\n
turned off because of the size constraints.

# ========================================================
#: kernel-doc-2.4.0-0.43.6.i386.rpm:1005 kernel
The kernel-doc package contains documentation files from the kernel\n
source. Various portions of the Linux kernel and the device drivers\n
shipped with it are documented in these files. You'll want to install\n
this package if you need a reference to the options that can be passed\n
to Linux kernel modules at load time.

Kanghoon Ko wrote:
 저도 보내 주세요..

 페도라 번역을 좀 해보고 다시 설치해봐야 할것 같아요.

----- Original Message -----
From: Michelle Jiyeen Kim <mkim@redhat.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 14:50:14 +1000
Subject: [Fedora-trans-ko] 이종상 님께 보냅니다 :) 
To: fedora-trans-ko@redhat.com

으싸! 좋네요 :)

맞아요 아무래도 지금까지 많은 분들께서 참여를 못하셨던 이유가 
아마도 처음에 여러가지 셋업하고 구차하게 거처야할 단계가 많아서였던것 같습니다. 
저만 해도 만일 옆에서 누군가 도와주지 않는다면, 문제가 생길때마다 그만두고 싶을때도 많겠죠.

이번 기회를 통해서 자신의 번역도 뽐내고 참여도 하는데 의의를 둘 수 있겠네요.
참 신난다고 해야되나요 :)

여기 5개 보내드립니다!
# ========================================================
#: imap-2000-4.i386.rpm:1005 imap-2000-4.src.rpm:1005
The imap package provides server daemons for both the IMAP (Internet\n
Message Access Protocol) and POP (Post Office Protocol) mail access\n
protocols. The POP protocol uses a \"post office\" machine to collect\n
mail for users and allows users to download their mail to their local\n
machine for reading. The IMAP protocol allows a user to read mail on a\n
remote machine without downloading it to their local machine.\n
Install the imap package if you need a server to support the IMAP or\n
the POP mail access protocols.

# ========================================================
#: imlib- imlib-
Imlib is a display depth independent image loading and rendering\n
library. Imlib is designed to simplify and speed up the process of\n
loading images and obtaining X Window System drawables. Imlib\n
provides many simple manipulation routines which can be used for\n
common operations.\n
Install imlib if you need an image loading and rendering library for\n
X11R6, or if you are installing GNOME. You may also want to install\n
the imlib-cfgeditor package, which will help you configure Imlib.

# ========================================================
#: imlib- imlib-cfgeditor-
The imlib-cfgeditor package contains the imlib_config program, which\n
you can use to configure the Imlib image loading and rendering\n
library. Imlib_config can be used to control how Imlib uses color and\n
handles gamma corrections, etc.\n
If you are installing the imlib package, you should also install\n

# ========================================================
#: imlib- imlib-devel-1.9.8.
The header files, static libraries and documentation needed for\n
developing Imlib applications. Imlib is an image loading and\n
rendering library for X11R6.\n
Install the imlib-devel package if you want to develop Imlib\n
applications. You will also need to install the imlib and\n
imlib_cfgeditor packages.

# ========================================================
#: indent-2.2.6-1.i386.rpm:1005 indent-2.2.6-1.src.rpm:1005
Indent is a GNU program for formatting C code, so that it is easier\n
to read. Indent can also convert from one C writing style to a\n
different one. Indent understands correct C syntax and tries to handle\n
incorrect C syntax.

이종상 wrote: 

저도 5개 부탁 드립니다.

역시 아직은 CVS나 뭐 그런거에는 익숙하지 않은것같습니다.

또 우린(나만 일수도 있지만) 능동적인것보다는 수동적인것에 많이 익숙해 있는것같습니다.

떠 안아야 하는… 스스로 안고 할수 있지 않은 것 같군요.


수고들 하시는군요.

매번 그저 쓰기만 했는데.

이번에는 나도 뭔가를 했다는것에 의미를 담고 싶으네요.




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