stwoj wrote:
좋은 소식이네요.
저도 도전을 해보고 싶네요.

반가운 소식이네요 :)

아마도 스펙스포 번역에 참여하신 후 가장 보람있는 일은 페도라 코어 3 이후 버전에서

rpm -qi 번역하신 패키지 이름

을 치시면 여러분의 번역이 나타날 겁니다. 페도라 뿐만 아니라 앞으로 모든 레드햇 엔터프라이즈 제품에서도 여러분의 번역을 볼 수 있지요. 나중에 아들 손자에게 두고 두고 자랑하실 거리가 되지 않을까요..하하 과장이 너무 심했나요

한 10개 보내드릴께요. 메시지가 조금 긴게 걸렸는데 힘드시면 반만 해보셔도 괜찮아요

# ========================================================
#: pilot-link-0.9.5-1.i386.rpm:1005 pilot-link-0.9.5-1.src.rpm:1005
#: pilot-link095-compat-0.9.5-20.i386.rpm:1005
#: pilot-link095-compat-0.9.5-20.src.rpm:1005

This suite of tools allows you to upload and download programs and\n
data files between a Linux/UNIX machine and the PalmPilot. It has a\n
few extra utilities that will allow for things like syncing the\n
PalmPilot's calendar app with Ical. Note that you might still need to\n
consult the sources for pilot-link if you would like the Python, Tcl,\n
or Perl bindings.\n
Install pilot-link if you want to synchronize your Palm with your Red\n
Hat Linux system.

# ========================================================
#: pilot-link-0.9.5-1.src.rpm:1005 pilot-link-devel-0.9.5-1.i386.rpm:1005

This package contains the development headers that are used to build\n
the pilot-link package. It also includes the static libraries\n
necessary to build static pilot applications.\n
If you want to develop PalmPilot synchronizing applications, you will\n
need to install pilot-link-devel.

# ========================================================
#: pmake-2.1.34-7.i386.rpm:1005 pmake-2.1.34-7.src.rpm:1005

Make is a GNU tool which allows users to build and install programs\n
without any significant knowledge of the build process. Details about\n
how the program should be built are included in the program's\n
Makefile. Pmake is a particular version (BSD 4.4) of make. Pmake\n
supports some additional syntax which is not in the standard make\n
program. Some Berkeley programs have Makefiles written for pmake.

# ========================================================
#: popt-1.6.1-0.2.i386.rpm:1005 rpm-4.0.2-0.2.src.rpm:1005

Popt is a C library for parsing command line parameters. Popt was\n
heavily influenced by the getopt() and getopt_long() functions, but it\n
improves on them by allowing more powerful argument expansion. Popt\n
can parse arbitrary argv[] style arrays and automatically set\n
variables based on command line arguments. Popt allows command line\n
arguments to be aliased via configuration files and includes utility\n
functions for parsing arbitrary strings into argv[] arrays using\n
shell-like rules.

# ========================================================
#: portmap-4.0-29.i386.rpm:1005 portmap-4.0-29.src.rpm:1005

The portmapper program is a security tool that prevents theft of NIS\n
(YP), NFS, and other sensitive information via the portmapper. A\n
portmapper manages RPC connections, which are used by protocols like\n
NFS and NIS.\n
The portmap package should be installed on any machine which acts as a\n
server for protocols using RPC.

# ========================================================
#: postgresql-7.0.3-2.i386.rpm:1005 postgresql-7.0.3-2.src.rpm:1005

PostgreSQL is an advanced Object-Relational database management system\n
(DBMS) that supports almost all SQL constructs, including\n
transactions, subselects, and user-defined types and functions. The\n
postgresql package includes the client programs and libraries that you\n
need to access a PostgreSQL DBMS server. These PostgreSQL client\n
programs are programs that directly manipulate the internal structure\n
of PostgreSQL databases on a PostgreSQL server.These client programs\n
can be located on the same machine with the PostgreSQL server, or may\n
be on a remote machine which accesses a PostgreSQL server over a\n
network connection. This package contains the client libraries for C\n
and C++, as well as command-line utilities for managing PostgreSQL\n
databases on a PostgreSQL server.\n
If you want to manipulate a PostgreSQL database on a remote PostgreSQL\n
server, you need this package. You also need to install this package\n
if you are installing the postgresql-server package.

# ========================================================
#: postgresql-7.0.3-2.src.rpm:1005 postgresql-devel-7.0.3-2.i386.rpm:1005

The postgresql-devel package contains the header files and libraries\n
needed to compile C or C++ applications which will directly interact\n
with a PostgreSQL database management server and the ecpg Embedded C\n
Postgres preprocessor. You need to install this package if you want to\n
develop applications which will interact with a PostgreSQL server. If\n
you are installing postgresql-server, you need to install this\n

# ========================================================
#: postgresql-7.0.3-2.src.rpm:1005 postgresql-server-7.0.3-2.i386.rpm:1005

The postgresql-server package includes the programs needed to create\n
and run a PostgreSQL server, which will in turn allow you to create\n
and maintain PostgreSQL databases. PostgreSQL is an advanced\n
Object-Relational database management system (DBMS) that supports\n
almost all SQL constructs, including transactions, subselects, and\n
user-defined types and functions. You should install postgresql-server\n
if you want to create and maintain your own PostgreSQL databases\n
and/or your own PostgreSQL server. You also need to install the\n
postgresql package.

# ========================================================
#: procps-2.0.7-3.i386.rpm:1005 procps-2.0.7-3.src.rpm:1005

The procps package contains a set of system utilities that provide\n
system information. Procps includes ps, free, skill, snice, tload,\n
top, uptime, vmstat, w, and watch. The ps command displays a snapshot\n
of running processes. The top command provides a repetitive update of\n
the statuses of running processes. The free command displays the\n
amounts of free and used memory on your system. The skill command\n
sends a terminate command (or another specified signal) to a specified\n
set of processes. The snice command is used to change the scheduling\n
priority of specified processes. The tload command prints a graph of\n
the current system load average to a specified tty. The uptime command\n
displays the current time, how long the system has been running, how\n
many users are logged on, and system load averages for the past one,\n
five, and fifteen minutes. The w command displays a list of the users\n
who are currently logged on and what they are running. The watch\n
program watches a running program. The vmstat command displays virtual\n
memory statistics about processes, memory, paging, block I/O, traps,\n
and CPU activity.

# ========================================================
#: psacct-6.3.2-4.i386.rpm:1005 psacct-6.3.2-4.src.rpm:1005

The psacct package contains several utilities for monitoring process\n
activities, including ac, lastcomm, accton and sa. The ac command\n
displays statistics about how long users have been logged on. The\n
lastcomm command displays information about previous executed\n
commands. The accton command turns process accounting on or off. The\n
sa command summarizes information about previously executed\n