Bem Vindo Eliezer. Já te aprovei no grupo lá no Transifex. =)

Cleiton Lima
Coordenador do time do Fedora de tradução para português do Brasil
Página do Time Brasileiro:

Em Sexta-feira, 29 de Novembro de 2013 21:55, Eliezer Bernart <> escreveu:
Name: Eliezer Emanuel Bernart

Location: Joaçaba, Brazil

FAS Account: eliezerb

Language: Brazilian Portuguese

Profession or Student status: Computer Engineering Student

About You:
I am currently a fellow of the Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina, acting along the Master's program in Education. Computer Engineering student from the Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina (Unoesc). Benefited and representative of the student body in the Local Committee for Monitoring and Control of Social (COLAP) of University for All Program (PROUNI). Interested in linux, open source software, computer vision, hardware-software communication and open web platform.

You and the Fedora Project:
I've been using Linux since 2009, when I fell in love for open source technologies. Then in a great conference that happened in Santa Catarina's western called IV Encontro TecLand I had an amazing conversation with Fábio Olivé and Marcelo Barbosa about how contribute with Fedora Project and give back to the community a little bit of knowledge. So now I'm getting started in the translation projects, but I hope to help in other ways either.



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