with warm heart I offer my friendship, and greetings,
and I hope this mail meets you in good time. However
strange or surprising this contact might seem to you,
as we have not met personally or had any dealings in
the past, I humbly ask that you take due consideration
of its importance and immense benefit. I also
sincerely seek your confidence, as I make this
proposal to you as a person of integrity.

I am DR.KWAME  KUFOUR, supervisor for customer’s
services with BARCLAYS BANK OF GHANA, for eight years
now. I have been managing and monitoring a customer's
account worth USD4.6M {Four Million Six Hundred
Thousand United States Dollars}. As led by my
instinct,I selected your email address from an
Internet directory in my search for a partner
believing you will not betray me, hence this email.

The customer who is an expatriate from Iraq, Mr.Esam
Ali, ran away from Iraq and settled down in GHANA,WEST
AFRICA as a political asylum seeker, but does not have
a trace of his family because the former Sadam Hussein
of Iraq eliminated all his family members immediately
when he ran away as an opposition to Sadam's

Mr. Esam Ali died in a car crash and nobody has come
forward for any claim of his money in our custody
since three years now after his death. I hereby seek
your cooperation and compromise with me, because I am
in a position to make every necessary changes to your
name as the appropriate beneficiary
and this money will be transferred to
your country account pending my arrival to your
country to plan on investment based on your advice.

For your involvement,I am willing to give you 30%
of the total money for providing your account and
assistance. Nevertheless, I assure you of every
authenticity and risk-free of this business proposal.
Contact me and furnish me with your readiness to
cooperate with me for us to progress and conclude the
transfer as my time for retirement is almost at hand.

Please, treat with absolute maturity, confidentiality
and kindness even if you are not interested to work
with me, waiting to hear from you soonest. Hold my
dealings in strict confidence. On acceptance, you
should send your, phone and fax number. 

Best regards


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