Hi Chitlesh!!
In Brazil(Fedora Users) the most used confgurations are:
Window decoration: Plastik Style: Plastik Icons: Crystal Colors: KDE Defatul
This is the best configuration!!!
The Fedora KDE defaults are very bad.
ASS: Rodrigo Padula de Oliveira
Chitlesh GOORAH escreveu:
On 9/27/06, Rodrigo Padula de Oliveira rodrigopadula@projetofedora.org wrote:
Brazilian surveys about: Desktops and Fedora Core 5. By http://www.projetofedora.org and http://www.fedora.org.br
What's your favorite Desktop ? (1100 Fedora Users) Answers | Results () KDE = 46% () GNOME = 49%
KDE isn't far behind. We have to consider changing the default theme distributed by Fedora.