Você já está cuidando disso? Deduzi isso, por seu nome está como tradutora em 2009.
Rafael Gomes Consultor em TI Embaixador Fedora LPIC-1 (71) 8146-5772 Fedora Talk : 5103520
III Encontro Nordestino de Software Livre e IV Festival de Software Livre da Bahia
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ruediger Landmann Date: Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 11:02 PM Subject: Fedora 11 Installation Guide ready for translation To: Fedora Translation Project List
Hi all; Just letting you all know that the Fedora 11 Installation Guide is now ready and available for translation:
We're not expecting any large changes to the guide between now and release, but the PO files will be refreshed on 28 April to reflect any errors that we find up to that time.
The final deadline for translations is 14 May, with a week after that allowed for corrections:
This document is substantially longer than previous versions of the Fedora Installation Guide, thanks to content imported from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide. This has allowed us to detail the installation process and its options in far greater detail than has been possible in the past. For languages supported by Red Hat, we've been able to import translations of most of this new material as well.
The Installation Guide is now at least partially translated into 35 languages! Test builds showing the current state of translations will be available within the next few hours from:
Many thanks to all our translators for your hard work so far, and thanks in advance for your work on this new version of the guide :)
Cheers Ruediger, on behalf of the Installation Guide project
-- Fedora-trans-list mailing list
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 1:06 AM, Rafael Gomes <
Você já está cuidando disso? Deduzi isso, por seu nome está como tradutora em 2009.
Rafael, o Release Notes (RN) é mais importante e já falei com ela sobre ele.
Entretanto como houve a mudança para o publican, as strings do RN são muitas para serem traduzidas, com isso temo que não teremos o RN em pt_BR no Fedora 11. :/
Gláucia, any news?