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Summary: Renaming translation po file from sr@Latn to sr@latin
------- Additional Comments From 2007-10-09 05:38 EST ------- Hi Chester,
Thanks. I did run into problems with some of the older modules. It looks like there was briefly "sr@Latin" in CVS long time ago (guess created by mistake instead of "sr@Latn" when we first asked for it) so now the server complains, e.g.:
Testing sr@latin.po... **** Access allowed: kmilos is in ACL for authconfig/po. RCS file: /usr/local/CVS/kudzu/po/sr@latin.po,v done cvs: commit.c:2049: checkaddfile: Assertion `*rcsnode == ((void *)0)' failed. cvs [server aborted]: received abort signal
Error, CVS operation failed
Tortoise Tip: This error can be caused because there used to be a file in the repository with a name differing only by case from the one you are adding. For example TEST.EXE rather than test.exe. To fix this go into the repository, or get your administrator to, and rename that file to have the same case. It will be in the Attic folder underneath the folder you are in. You will also need to get the local sandbox folder you are in out of CVS again, as it may have bogus entries to the misspelt filename.
I did manage to commit a couple of the newer modules, I guess that were added to the repository later.