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Summary: Renaming translation po file from sr@Latn to sr@latin
------- Additional Comments From 2007-10-11 18:44 EST ------- Chester,
I get pretty much the same on my clean checkout on my fedora box, here's a transcript of my session:
$ cvs -z9 co translate/ Enter passphrase for key '/home/milos/.ssh/id_dsa': ... cvs server: Updating rhn-applet ... cvs server: nothing known about rhn-applet/sr@latin.po ...
$ cd rhn-applet/
$ cp sr@Latn.po sr@latin.po
$ cvs commit -m 'initial checkin of sr@latin translation' sr@latin.po cvs commit: use `cvs add' to create an entry for sr@latin.po cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!
$ cvs add sr@latin.po Enter passphrase for key '/home/milos/.ssh/id_dsa': cvs server: scheduling file `sr@latin.po' for addition cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to add this file permanently
$ cvs commit -m 'initial checkin of sr@latin translation' sr@latin.po Enter passphrase for key '/home/milos/.ssh/id_dsa': cvs: hash.c:312: findnode: Assertion `key != ((void *)0)' failed. cvs [server aborted]: received abort signal
So, the message is the same as with TortoiseCVS on Windows.
However, I did manage to commit a handful more modules for which I don't get "cvs: nothing known...", and the remaining with problems are:
cvs server: nothing known about authconfig/sr@latin.po cvs server: nothing known about autorun/sr@latin.po cvs server: nothing known about chkconfig/sr@latin.po cvs server: nothing known about initscripts/sr@latin.po cvs server: nothing known about libuser/sr@latin.po cvs server: nothing known about rhn-applet/sr@latin.po cvs server: nothing known about system-config-keyboard/sr@latin.po cvs server: nothing known about system-config-kickstart/sr@latin.po cvs server: nothing known about system-config-language/sr@latin.po cvs server: nothing known about system-config-lvm/sr@latin.po cvs server: nothing known about system-config-netboot/sr@latin.po cvs server: nothing known about system-config-network/sr@latin.po cvs server: nothing known about system-config-rootpassword/sr@latin.po cvs server: nothing known about system-config-securitylevel/sr@latin.po cvs server: nothing known about system-config-soundcard/sr@latin.po cvs server: nothing known about system-switch-mail/sr@latin.po cvs server: nothing known about usermode/sr@latin.po