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Summary: Renaming translation po file from sr@Latn to sr@latin
------- Additional Comments From 2007-10-10 20:30 EST ------- kudzu/sr@latin.po has been there since 2006. I didn't do it. ;)
I've seen these after "cvs up": $ ls */sr@latin.po anaconda/sr@latin.po pykickstart/sr@latin.po firstboot/sr@latin.po rhgb/sr@latin.po kexec-tools/sr@latin.po rhn-client-tools/sr@latin.po kudzu/sr@latin.po rhnsd/sr@latin.po libvirt/sr@latin.po setroubleshoot/sr@latin.po password/sr@latin.po system-config-kdump/sr@latin.po policycoreutils/sr@latin.po yum-rhn-plugin/sr@latin.po
However, I also see some strange messages such as: cvs server: Updating system-config-rootpassword cvs server: nothing known about system-config-rootpassword/sr@latin.po
Let's see what's the result of your test.
Cheers, Chester