
---------- 转发的消息 ----------
发件人:"Kévin Raymond" <shaiton@fedoraproject.org>
日期:2013-1-15 PM6:17
主题:Websites translations, last minute change
收件人:"trans" <trans@lists.fedoraproject.org>

Hi guys,

Sorry to bother you, we made some small edits on the fedoraproject.org websites
(master branch).
It is actually built on stg.fpo, but going to be alive on fedoraproject.org
later today for the amazing Fedora 18 Release!!!

Please fix the remaining strings shorlty.

Apologies, we always try to think about you guys but still are in progess ;)
preupgrade was still around, what an old string!

Happy F18 release!

Kévin Raymond

trans mailing list