Okay, how about if you like me to create a mailing list on googlegroups
like "linux-trans-zh_tw"? So you could gather all of them to join and
collaborate. :)

We have a "chinese-l10n" googlegroups already actually. This googlegruoup is created by a translation leader in Hong Kong called Abel Cheung. It is a substitute for mailinglist of Chinese Traditional Team <zh-l10n@linux.org.tw>, because it is flooded by spams.

Mainly, traditional Chiese translation of GNOME project is discussed here, while there are only a few people participating. As to translation of KDE project, we have only one translator (as the coordinator the same time) now, and the main contacting way is by email.

Do we have the need to create a new one instead of existing one? If no, I will contact both of the coordinators about using chinese-l10n as a discussing center for the glossary. if yes, I sitll will inform them about that.
by Cheng-Chia Tseng