Name: João Diogo Ferreira
City, country: Aveiro, Portugal
FAS nick: jdiogo
Language to translate: pt-PT (Portuguese/Portugal)
Profession: I'm just a student... :)
You and the Fedora Project:
My dad asked me to install Linux. I was a n00b in Linux, so I suggested
Ubuntu. So, we installed Ubuntu 7.04.
Some time later, I erased the Ubuntu partition for some reason I can't
One day, I saw a "Fedora 8" post on,
and decided to give it a try.
I loved it, and now, I use Fedora almost of my time ^^
Anything else you would like to do?
Not really, just want to translate :)
What other projects or translations have you worked on in the past?
None... :)
What level and type of computer skills do you have?
Just a very little bit of bash... :/
GPG key: (I hope it's correct...)
pub 1024D/70F932B4 2009-04-01
Key fingerprint = 46F2 78E5 E8DF C930 3B2C B96F 3148 206F 70F9
uid João Diogo Ferreira (a.k.a. JohnTH)
sub 2048g/11D038A1 2009-04-01
Oh, and remember, I'm a n00b in this translation things... :)