2007/10/25, Bart Couvreur <couf@skynet.be>:
Hi all,

the websites-team has enabled translations for the main static pages on

These pages are mostly release specific and get launched on release day.

You can get the pot file at

For the moment, we you're finished translating, you can send the po-file
to ricky@fedoraproject.org

We'll need to add create some policy for publishing to the website, b/c
of the site being the entry point to the Fedora universe. And we
wouldn't like to have a lot of errors on it, but spelling/grammar as
keeping the HTML valid.

Currently the idea is to use a similar system as we used for publishing
to docs.fp.o, with the Publish Queue [1]. An alternative could be to
create a ticket in the infrastructure-Trac instance [2] with some
specific attributes.

What ya think?

POT not found on http://translate.fedoraproject.org modules?

bbbush ^_^