Hello folks,

I've been working together with mmcgrath on the last days to find out what's happening with our stats system.
The problem seems to be a very known issue. The most (or all) modules of Fedora Project don't work properly with intltool.

So, to avoid some problems around it, we have refreshed the stats cache. It means that all potfiles were download from theirs respective repositories again. The stats currently *must* reflect the reality.

Hopefully it will fix the most of our current problem with the stats system.
However I'm still fixing some issues around missing files with entries into po/POFILES.in and po/POTFILES.skip files.
I hope to get it done ASAP.

If you see any problem, please, let us know!

Now /me go back to the GSoC codes :)


Diego Búrigo Zacarão
Linux User #402589