
my name is  Antonio Trande, i'm italian.

I have choosed to subscribe to this group because i wish to operate directly with FedoraProject, in particular regard  Fedora or RHEL translation..
I'm not a computer  programmer, webmaster, but a fan of Linux since about five years.

Actualy, i have a personal blog in regards to Fedora/RHEL 5 (www.computer-legacy.net) ;  have a hand at italian Fedora forum (fedoraonline.it), member since January '07.
Partecipate at international FedoraForum.org when I take free time.

From Fedora 6, my PCs work especially with Fedora Linux; i have installed on multiboot two version of Fedora that i upgrade from time to time, in addition a partition with RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.5.

In my blog they already exist some articles translated by the official documentation Fedora, I hope to make a further footstep collaborating with you.

Thank you.