On 06/30/2013 03:21 PM, Jérôme Fenal
Hi translators,
Another guide on the block, the Fedora Virtualization Deployment
and Administration Guide, has now been set up on Transifex for
The guide is the a merge between the following guides:
- the Virtualization Administration Guide,
- the Virtualization Host Configuration,
- the Guest Installation Guide.
I plan to update the resources as upstream moves, do let me know
if it
is moving too fast as time passes.
The project can be found here on Transifex:
And here if you want to follow its evolution or file tickets:
It covers both Fedora virtualization (KVM) and oVirt.
Please let me know also of issues you could have, and please file
tickets to improve its quality.
Regards, happy translating,
Jérôme Fenal
trans mailing list
I can't speak personally for the owner of this guide, but in
general, docs writers haven't been getting much use out of trac in
recent releases. Filing a bug against the guide in Bugzilla will
probably get best results.
-- Pete Travis
- Fedora Docs Project Leader
- 'randomuser' on freenode
- immanetize@fedoraproject.org