Name: Alejandro Perez T.
Location: Panama, Rep of Panama
Login: Aeperezt
Job: It Consultan

I work as IT consultan on Panama.
I have been Fedora Ambassador for Panama for around 9 months now, one of my main task as ambassador have been talking to people and encourage them to join Fedora Project, one of the part that we can help is in translation, therefor I want to become part of the translation team and lead some others to join this task on Fedora, other task will also join later will be package maintainer. But one step at the time.

My Linux experience started on 1995 with Slackware, since then have use many other distributions but Fedora and Slackware are my favorite ones.

Experience: As consultan I have translate some IT docs, for clients and Web Sites. I have work with Linux Servers, as basic as LAMP, email (sendmail, exim, qmail), also build some clusters and proxy servers.


GPG key 08A4FB1D

pub   2048R/08A4FB1D 2010-03-20 [expires: 2020-03-21]
      Key fingerprint = D47A A40D 6556 ECBA AA0A  A92E 9EB8 DAB4 08A4 FB1D
uid                  Alejandro Pérez T. <>
uid                  Alejandro Pérez <>
sub   2048R/0DC13E75 2010-03-20 [expires: 2011-03-20]