Now you are in the team. Be welcome.

2008/1/22, Asgeir Frimannsson <>:
Hi all,

I've been in the background on these lists for years, but just recently signed
up as a Fedora contributor. As recommended, here is my humble introduction:

I'm Asgeir Frimannsson, I live in Brisbane, Australia.. I am however not very
Aussie: I'm half Icelandic, half Norwegian, spent many of my childhood years
in Kenya, and now married to a lovely Malaysian-Chinese girl. (That should
cover the i18n/l10n aspects of my life)

For the last two years I've been persuing my PhD at Queensland University of
Technology (QUT), where my research mainly concerns translation reuse. I am
also working part-time as a software engineer at Red Hat.

I am probably a horrid translator, but I hope to help out in other areas such
as improving the translation infrastructure and tools.


# GPG KEYID and fingerprint
pub   1024D/9CC8C5BD 2008-01-17 [expires: 2011-01-16]
      Key fingerprint = 0583 40D9 9054 7480 A0E6  C525 3B41 10A3 9CC8 C5BD
uid                  Asgeir Frimannsson < >
sub   2048g/15FF352C 2008-01-17 [expires: 2011-01-16]

Fedora-trans-list mailing list

Henrique "LonelySpooky" Junior
"The best diplomat that I know is a fully-loaded phaser bank."
Lt. Cdr. Montgomery Scott ("A Taste of Armageddon")