Name: Andrea Masala
Location: Cagliari, Italy
Login: veon
Language: Italian

Profession: Technical Support of Internet Service Provide

About Me: I live in Sardinia and I work like computer technician of Internet Service Provide. I'm using Linux systems since 2004, mainly Mandrake, and Ubuntu since the first release. I'm now studying in order to obtain a LPIC

Me and the Fedora Project: I believe in FOSS method like one and correctly philosophy of life; so I want to actively participate in Fedora Project, to improve my knowledge until being a better person and help the others.

GPG KEYID and fingerprint:
pub   4096R/3506CBA8 2015-09-20 [scadenza: 2016-09-18]
Impronta digitale della chiave = D3C6 5B83 877C 2442 1E8E  AFE3 5C75 FEBA 3506 CBA8
uid                  Andrea Masala (nuova 2015) <>
sub   4096R/17D587D4 2015-09-20 [scadenza: 2016-09-18]