
Sorry it took me a bit long; there was a problem in transifex which I didn't understand, but it was solved now.

I am now part of khmer translation in transifex.
I added myself to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N_Teams as there was no responsible person before.I also created an mailing list  trans-kh@fedoraproject.org and I made a infrastructure ticket, so that it get created.
Moreover, I made a wiki page for khmer translation team
and I requested membership of cvsl10n group in FAS, so should be everything be done now.

Last but not least, Mr. Somvannda Kong (somvannda) is one of our team now.


2014-03-08 1:19 GMT+07:00 Jonatas Z. de Vasconcellos <jonatas.zv@openmailbox.org>:
Hello Nisa Botrey Ban. Thank you so much for you help. I hope you and Somvannda do a good work. Have you created your Transifex account? You can check this http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Guide to get started.

Best regards,
Jonatas Zamboim de Vasconcellos
Bacharelado em Química, 2011 - UNESP Araraquara - SP, Brasil

Translator and l10n member at Fedora Project: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jonataszv

Em 02/03/2014 07:24, nisa ban botrey escreveu:
Dear all,

         My name Nisa Botrey Ban, I am a 4th year student in
Information Technology at Royal University Of Phnom Penh. After I
participated the workshop in FossAsia about Fedora I was inspired to
help you so much. I already have my companion to help this Khmer
translate web page project his name Somvannda Kong(somvannda)

we will work together and will find somebody else to help us with this
project as soon as possible.

Best Regard,

trans mailing list
trans mailing list