Name: Máximo
Location: Valladolid, Spain
Login: lonemadmax
Language: Spanish
Profession: programmer, or something like that: mantaining COBOL applications for a bank, despite my degree being in mechanical engineering.
Me and the Fedora Project: joining trans-es to add or correct the seldom translation bugs I may find while using Fedora. If free time permits, I may also help with documentation.
GPG KEYID and fingerprint:
pub 2048R/DDF42BA2 2015-08-22 [expires: 2017-08-20]
Key fingerprint = ACB1 60BF 112D 8570 5FC5 FFE4 C510 94E6 DDF4 2BA2
uid Máximo Castañeda Riloba <>
sub 2048R/17B2F12F 2015-08-22 [expires: 2017-08-20]