For the sake of those so called "1.4 billion population", it would be better to have it enabled.

於 2014/8/19 上午7:16,"Patrick Huang" <> 寫道:
Hi Tiansworld,

I think the problem is openshift is blocked in China and this test instance is hosted in openshift. According to this post https will work. However we have disabled https on this instance because it's a test instance and we don't have a public certificate for it. We can enable https with following side effects:
1. When visiting it from the browser you will receive an untrusted certificate warning
2. When using our command line client tool, you will have to disable SSL certificate

I will discuss this with the team and see if we can come up with a better solution. Meanwhile, if you want to test it, you will have to use some VPN to connect to it.

Patrick Huang
Senior Software Engineer
Engineering - Internationalisation
Red Hat

From: "tiansworld" <>
To:, "Fedora Translation Project List" <>
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 9:06:50 PM
Subject: Re: Zanata demo projects

On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Carlos Munoz <> wrote:
Hi All,

In order to offer the Fedora translation community a more hands-on
experience when trying out Zanata, we have gone ahead and pushed a few
sample project source files from their repos and onto the demo instance.

I know some of you have already experienced the translation interface in
the other Zanata instances, but for those who haven't you can go to the
following projects to try it out:

Remember this is a demo instance, so there is no guarantee on how long
the data will kept.

Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions.


Hi  Carlos,
The two demo URLs are not accessible from my place(China). Changing http to https won't help. Could you check the URLs or make some modification so they can be accessed from everywhere in the world. 
Otherwise, I couldn't know if I can log into zanata with my FAS account, not to mention to test the translation interface.


Fedora Project Contributor

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