On Jun 30, 2013 3:21 PM, "Jérôme Fenal" <
jfenal@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi translators,
> Another guide on the block, the Fedora Virtualization Deployment and Administration Guide, has now been set up on Transifex for translation.
> The guide is the a merge between the following guides:
> - the Virtualization Administration Guide,
> - the Virtualization Host Configuration,
> - the Guest Installation Guide.
> I plan to update the resources as upstream moves, do let me know if it
> is moving too fast as time passes.
> The project can be found here on Transifex:
> And here if you want to follow its evolution or file tickets:
> It covers both Fedora virtualization (KVM) and oVirt.
> Please let me know also of issues you could have, and please file tickets to improve its quality.
> Regards, happy translating,
> J.
> --
> Jérôme Fenal
> --
I may have been too presumptuous in making this guide available at this stage. Please focus on other documents until I can clarify the guide owner's intentions.