Hi everyone,

The "About this Computer" item was added to the System menu in Rawhide on March 8. It's provided by about-this-desktop.desktop, in the gnome-system-monitor package. As it wasn't added in any of the PO files and it needs to be localized, developer of this package has provided a facility to translate this message into the local language directly on the web page.

Screenshot of the untranslated message taken from Punjabi desktop: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/attachment.cgi?id=302840

Here is the URL where you can put your translations: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/WillWoods/AboutThisComputer
- When you visit this URL, you can find it already translated into some languages. If you find it's not translated into your language, you can add your translation.
- We need to translate two things, Name and Comment both.
- Make sure you put your translations in "Name[de]=Über diesen Computer" and "Comment[de]=Erhalten Sie Basis-Informationen über dieses System" format, where you have to replace the language code [de] with your [langcode]

Reference bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=437997

Last date for finishing this task is 22nd of April.

Let me know if you have any queries!
Ankit Patel