The Release Notes have been completed for F8 final. I know that many of the translation teams are already working on them, since I see your commits coming in. :-) If there are any further string changes -- and I expect these would be very few in any case -- those changes will be synchronized later for a zero-day update.
The latest changes (between 7.92 and the candidate for 8.0.0) are a little under 60 strings. Thanks are due to Rahul Sundaram, who made a number of necessary changes while trying to reuse existing strings as much as possible. I will check on status as we go, although I will probably not post reports since Dimitris' web application does a more visually appealing job of that. :-)
*** The deadline for translations is 2359 UTC, 2007-10-22. *** (refer to for full schedule)
Remember that the full fedora-release-notes package includes the following Docs modules:
* about-fedora * homepage * readme * readme-live * readme-burning-isos * release-notes
As we did with F7, any locale with 90% or more strings done will have the translation included in the F8 general release. (We'd love it if many of them made 100% though!) Don't hold back since we will do a zero-day update package. If you make your 90%, keep working over the remaining time for a 100% goal, and we will have your updates in the new RPM as well.
Please don't hesitate to contact us with questions, either here or at Good luck and thank you everyone!